kayip esya burosu / lost and found

indirim / sale

efenim, malum yeni filme basliyorum. odayi yavastan bosaltmanin Zamanidir diye dusundum. etsy'de listeleme suresi dolan urunleri birer haftaligina %50 indirime sokmus bulunuyorum.
misal su asagidaki pasta, indirim oncesi pasaj'da 31 lira iken simdi posta dahil 15 lira.
bu kekle ilgili daha faZla bilgi icin burdan buyrun..

well, starting a new film and christmas coming up, it's just the time to have some more room around. so, i won't be renewing the expired items on my etsy store, and i'll have them on %50 off sale for a week.
for example this miniature cake below was $18 before the sale and now it's just $10, shipping included.
for more information about this cake, please visit here.

ve bu cikolata kutusu ise 34 liradan posta dahil 18 liraya dusmus durumda.
bu cikolata kutusuyla ilgili daha faZla bilgi burada.
duzeltme: satildi!

and this miniature chocolate box was $19 before, now only $11. again, shipping included.
more info on this box can be found here.
edit: sold!
siparis icin ozlem@ozlemakin.com'a bir mail yeterli..

to place your orders, please send an email to ozlem@ozlemakin.com

ayrica suradan da gorebileceginiZ iki adet bros da taZe taZe girmis bulunuyorlar indirime.. kendilerinden daha once burada hic bahsetmemistim sanirim ama olsun.
duzeltme: ikisi de satildi!

and, the brooches here are also on holiday sale!
edit: both sold!

Ozel Siparis Kuklalar #2 / Puppets on Custom Order #2

evet efenim, uZunca bir aranin ardindan bir diger kisiye oZel kukla hikayesiyle (ve de bir onceki postta bahsetmis oldugum yilbasi susleriye) yeniden karsiniZdayim..

yeah well, i'm back with another puppets on a custom order story (and also the christmas ornaments i was talking about in the previous post) after quite a long time..
bu ciftimiZ de yine tel iskeletler ve polimer kil (farketmeyenler ya da tam tersine farkedenler icin gelsin bu paranteZ ici aciklamasi da; modurit yerine polimer kil diyorum artik. baska seyler olduklarindan degil yani, ha modurit ha polimer kil. hatta evvelce mass dedigim sey de bu modurit'in [nam-i diger polimer kil] ta kendisi. neyse) marifetiyle yapildilar. dirsek, omuZ bel, kalca ve diZ eklemlerinden hareket edebiliyor (beyefendinin ayak bilekleri de hareket kapasitesi dahilinde), kendi ayaklari uZerinde durabiliyorlar. 20 cm civarindalar ayni Zamanda..

this couple here was made of polymer clay and wire armatures as usual. (in case you're wondering what i was talking about above within brackets; i was just explaining how polymer clay and modurit were actually the same thing.) their joints are on the elbows, shoulders, waists, hips and knees (the gentleman has another pair of joints on his ankles as well) and they can sit and/or stand on their own. and they're around 20 cm..
burada da gercek hayattan bir kesit icerisinde goZlemleyebilirsiniZ ciftimiZi..

here, you can see them in real life..
siparis sahibi ecem hanim'in istedigi uZerine, bir onceki fotografta gordugunuZ gunu kostumlerin de yardimiyla olumsuZ kilmaya calistik. fotografin gorunmeyen icebergun bilinmeyen kisminda bu pembe yagmur botlari bulunmakta. bir de bu tullu etek.
bacaklar icin son Zamanlarda beni en cok heyecanlandiran islerin sahibi lisa lichtenfels hanimefendiden etkilenip gelistirdigim bir teknik kullandim. ve icimden bir ses bu yeni teknigi daha cok gormeye haZir olmaniZ gerektigini soyluyor. efenim, mevZu bahis teknigimiZ soyle; eklemleri acikta birakarak hamurumuZla her Zamanki gibi kapliyoruZ iskeleti. ardindan ince sungerimiZle yine her Zamanki gibi eklem boslugunu dolduruyoruZ. her Zamanki olmayan kisma geldik simdi.. butun bunlari yaptiktan sonra bacaklarimiZin olcusune gore kestigimiZ bir parca penyeyle kapliyoruZ bir bacagi oldugu gibi (botlar da hamur, kumas olayi isin icine girmeden once yapildilar). ardindan da tenimiZin rengine boyuyoruZ. boylece hem eklem yerleri tuhaf gorunmeyen, hem de egilip bukulebilen bir cift bacagimiZ oluyor..

as the order owner ms. dilara's request, we tried to make the day (which you can see in the previous photo) eternal with some help from the costuming as well. in the unseen part of the photo and the unknown part of the iceberg, were these pink rain boots and this skirt with tulles. and as for the legs themselves, i developed a new technique based on lisa lichtenfels' works (which, by the way, are one of the most exciting things i've ever seen lately. exciting and apparently inspiring..). so here's how it goes, we cover the armature with clay -leaving the joints naked- as usual. after baking, we cover the naked parts with thin foam, again as usual. and as for the unusual step, we cover the whole leg with a piece of cloth (the boots were made before all this cloth business, with clay as well). after painting it, voila! you have you bendable legs without any weird looking knees. i know, it's not like a huge discovery or anything but.. still.. i'm kinda happy with this achievement. and just to let you know, something tells me that you'll be seeing this technique quite frequently..
ve bu beyefendi de her Zamanki eski usul yontemlerle yapildi. cok ilginc bir durum yok yani. pantolon icin kece, gomlek icin de eski bir gomlek kullanildi (bu ikinci el dukkanlarini fena halde sever oldum. hem kendime alacak bir suru ust bas bulabildigim, hem de ve daha Ziyade sundugu turlu cesit kumas opsiyonu icin..) tum sac, sakal ve hatta kaslarda gercek yun kullanildi.

and the gentleman here was made with the same old technique, nothing fancy. felt was used for the pants and an old shirt was recycled for the shirt (oh i',m really loving second hand shops, both for the pretty clothes i can find for myself and mostly for the fabric choices they have to offer). all the facial hair, including the eyebrows, were made of mohair.
eveet, boylece bir baska romantik komedinin sonuna gelmis bulunuyoruZ. ciftimiZin halen cek memleketi-turkiye arasinda bir yerlerde olduguna inaniyor olsam da masal yerini bulsun, onlar ersin muradina biZ cikalim kerevetine.. gokten de uc kilo frambuaZ dussun, hepsini oZlem (yaZar burda kendinden bahsediyor) yesin..

well, now we're at the end of yet another love story. even though i believe that our couple is still somewhere between cZech land and turkey, let's finish the tale properly. so instead of 3 apples, there're 3 kg of raspberries falling down this time. and i'll be the one who gets to eat them all.. i just love raspberries, couldn't help it..

noel - yilbasi susleri / christmas ornaments

efenim bunlar da siparis aralarinda yapmis oldugum son dakika susleri. evet, yilbasina/noele halen bir ay var ama okyanus asiri ulkelere gitmek isterlerse yolda ne kadar Zaman gecirir bu hanimefendiler bilemedigim icin hafif de endiseliyim hani Zamanlamam konusunda.. neyse artik, gorecegiZ..

and these are my last minute ornaments for christmas. alright, there's still time. but i'm just bit nervous about my timing.. well, we'll see..

bu yukardaki hanim, "noel babanin torunu". polimer kil, strafor ve kece anamaddelerinden olusmakta.. kendileri burada etsy'deki, surada da pasajdaki dukkanda oturmaktalar..

this lady above is "santa's granddaughter". she's mainly made of polymer clay, styrofoam and felt and available here on etsy.
bu hanim da noel babanin yardimcilarindan "rengeyigi kiZ". yine strafor, kece ve polimer kil.. adresler de etsy icin burasi, pasaj icin surasi..

and this lady is one of santa's little helpers; "reindeer girl". she's made of polymer clay, felt and styrofoam too. available here on etsy..
bu hanim da noel babanin diger torunu. ya da diger noel babanin torunu mu demeliydim? herneyse, sonuc olarak isin icinde bir adet noel baba bir adet de torun oldugunu biliyoruZ en aZindan.. etsy icin buraya buyrun..
duzeltme: satildi!

and this little lady is santa's other granddaughter. or should i say other santa's granddaughter? you know there's this thing with santa's costume colors.. so in any case, we have one santa and one granddaughter in hand. feel free to place the "other" wherever you like.. available here on etsy..
edit: sold!
ve "kiZsal yilbasi" takiminin son uyesi, kardankiZ.. yine kece, yine polimer kil, yine strafor, yine yun.. surasi etsy adresi..
duzeltme: satildi!

and the last member of "girly christmas" team, snowgirl. again felt, polymer clay and styrofoam. available here on etsy..
edit: sold!


efenim, ekimin son haftasi festivallerde surtmus, hemen akabinde de cilgin bir cekim kosusturmacasina girmis bulundugumdan kelli cokca cevaplanmamis mailim birikti. buradan mail sahiplerine sesleniyor ve kamuoyu huZurunda oZur diliyorum kendilerinden. haftasonu hepsini teker teker cevaplayacagim, paZartesiye cevaplanmamis mail kalmayacak.. (secim vaadi gibi oldu ya, neyse. valla ama, cevaplicam hepsini)