I finally finished the little match girl doll. The main material is polymer clay, blushed with pastels. Her dress is vintage silk, hand painted with fabric dyes, cocoa, cinnamon and tea. More photos after the break. Enjoy!
p.s. She's now in Art cz Gallery in Prague, in case you'd like to see her in person.
Bir onceki postta bahsetmis oldugum 10marifet yarismasina kibritci kizimla katildim. Ana malzemesi polimer kil, elbisesi elde boyanmis vintage ipek. Daha detayli anlatim 10marifet sayfasinda. Daha fazla fotograf ise postun devaminda.
p.s. Yakindan gormek isteyenler icin, kendisi an itibariyle Prag'da Art cz Gallery'de.