hikayeyi bilmeyen yoktur ama yine de kisaca bahsedelim (bu arada, ev sahibim hic duymamis rapunZel'i, koca kadina oturdum masal anlattim bi de.. neyse)
bu henimefendi, kocasiyla birlikte bir buyucunun komsusu olarak yasamakta. buyucu de bag bahce islerine pek merakli. efenim, hamileligin en asermeli safhasinda anne adayi hanimimiZ komus bahcedeki canciceklerine (ki rapunZel olarak geciyor ingiliZce ve sanirim almanca'da da) bakip bakip ic geciriyor. aksam kocasindan bir miktar rapunZel calmasini istiyor, "yemeZem biraZ tam suraya oluveririm bak" tehditleriyle. adamcagiZ da saf, olmesin karisi diye caliyor n'apsin. biZim kadin da hemen bir salata yapiyor bu rapunZellerden.
iste efenim, salatasiyla birlikte, rapunZel'e hamile anne..
masalin devaminiysa rapunZel'in babasiyla birlikte getirecegim, o da yolda..
after cathing some daylight, i photograhed her finally.
i guess everyone knows the story, but i'll mention a bit anyway (well, as a matter of fact, my landlady didn't know it at all. i had to tell a fairy tale to a middle-aged woman.. it was quite interesting)
this lady lives with her husband as the neighbour of a gardening-lover enchanter. one day, in her craving-phrase of pregnancy, she sees the rapunZels in the enchanter's garden, and not surprisingly craves for them. when her husband comes home, she demands him to steal some rapunZel with the threat "i'll drop that this very moment if i don't eat some of them". so, the poor husband goes and steals some rapunZel for her, since he's a bit lunkhead he just doesn't want his wife to drop dead. when he comes home with the rapunZel, the wife makes a salad with them immediately.
and here she is, with her beloved rapunZel salad and rapunZel in her belly..
i'll continue the tale with rapunZel's father, he's also on his way..

by the way, she had brown and sparser hair when going to the exhibiton. so, the first thing i did after her retund was changing the hair. and also her arms were lousy on the shoulders, so i fixed them es well. otherwise, she stayed the same. meaning; arms, legs and neck made with liquid latex covered foam over wire armature (like 13th fairy), which makes even her fingers move-able. head and feet made of polymer clay. feet are covered with soft leather, face painted with acrylics and coated with acrylic varnish.

she measures 41 cm, but even that tall, she can stand or sit, or lie on her own.

oh and before forgetting, she can also be used in stop-motion animations since every single bit of her body can move. but her feet don't have any bolts yet, which can be added quickly if needed..

duZeltme: satildi.
and for the address information.. here you can find her on esty, and here on pasaj. she's not on fler yet, i'm still waiting for the translations.. and as usual, discounted price awaits for the one who contact me regarding her via e-mail, wanted to remind just in case..
edit: sold
Off, çok güzel bu ama...
:)) cook tesekkurler, pek sevindim begenmeniZe..
Sevgili Özlem;
Önceki saç rengini tam anlayamadım ama bu rengin daha çok yakıştığını düşünüyorum.Stop motionda nasıl yürüyeceğini çok merak ediyorum hamileliğine karşın incecik kalabilmiş bu o beden manken ölçülü hatunun :)
Burnu incecik, Avrupalı burnu olmuş, dudaklar da maşaallah köfte dudak.Velhasıl güzel bir anne adayı.Umarım hamileliğinin ilerleyen aylarında bu formunu korumayı başarır.
Kendisine sorunsuz bir doğum diliyorum.
(Parmaklarını nasıl hareket ettirebildiğine asla kafam basmadı.)
bayıldım harika nasıl da veriyorsun bu ifadeleri tam bir hamile kadın yüzü
gulen abla, sac rengi siyah ama uclari boyle gri gibi, hafif pembemsi gibi. cok tesekkur ederim ayrica guZel yorumlarin icin. parmaklarin hareketi de soyle, tel iskelet var parmaklarda da, ve onlar sunger+sivi lateksle kapli oldugu icin kollari bacaklari filan nasil hareket edebiliyorsa ayni sekilde hareket edebiliyor bu sayede.
gece, cok tesekkur ederim. pek farkinda degildim acikcasi tam hamile yuZu oldugundan. acikcasi hafif bi nemrutluk katmak istemistim, hani kocasina Zulmediyo ya "ille de cancicegi isterim bana ne bana ne" diye.. :))
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