kayip esya burosu / lost and found

Kadinli Takilar - Audrey / Accessories with Women - Audrey

ee marilyn yapip da audrey'yi es gecmek yakisik alacak bir davranis degildi zaten.

well, after making marilyn it'd be a sin to ignore audrey.

evet, karisimizda breakfast at tiffany's'den cikmis bir audrey hepburn bulunuyor.

here she is, audrey hepburn coming all the way from breakfast at tiffany's.

polimer kil kullanilarak tamamen elde yapildi, akrilik boyayla boyanip yine akrilik vernikle de kaplandi. saclari icin gercek yun kullanildi ve topuzu tutkalla saglamlastirildi. mucevherati icin cesitli metal taki parcalari, kristalcikler ve kum boncuk kullanildi. cengelli ignesi de kafasinin arkasinda, hamurun icine monte edildi ki gelecekte herhangi bir denge ve saglamlik problemi yasanmasin.

she's hand sculpted with polymer clay, painted with acrylics and coated with acrylic varnish. mohair was used for the hair and it's formed with tacky glue. as for her jewelry, bits and pieces of metal findings, little crystals and sand beads were used. the safety pin is placed  right behind her head, ino the clay to prevent any balancing problems and to make sure it's durable.

etsy icin buraya, pasaj icin suraya yoneliniz ve fakat ozlem@ozlemakin.com adresine gondereceginiz bir email'in pasaj fiyatinda %10 indirim saglayacagini da unutmayiniz.

available here on etsy.


madam farilya said...

bu kadar minik olup da nasıl bu kadar gerçek olabiliyolar her baktığımda şaşıyorum..tebrik tebrik :)

ozlemakin said...

^.^ tesekkur tesekkur :))