i don't know if you remember or not, but i started a brooch line called accessories with women a very long time ago and left it there with four brooches. after selling the last brooch from the line lately, i decided to continue it with the same concept but with a different attitude.
ivit, marilyn monroe.
saclar maclar filan toplamda soldan saga 5.5, yukaridan asagiya 4.5cm olan bu hanim, polimer kil, akrilik boya, vernik ve ham yun kullanilarak yapidi. cengelli ignesi de kafasinin arkasinda, hamurun icine monte edildi ki gelecekte kopma dusme gibi sorunlar olmasin.
yup, marilyn monroe.
with hair and all, she measures 5.5cm wide and 4.5cm high. she's hand sculpted with polymer clay, painted with acrylics and coated with acrylic varnish. raw wool was used for her hair. safety pin is partly inside her head to prevent any future disconnections.
ustelik kendisine ulasmak hic de zor degil. yapmaniz gerekeni biliyorsunuz; etsy icin suraya, pasaj icinse buraya buyuruyorsunuz. ozlem@ozlemakin.com'a atacaginiz bir mail ise pasaj fiyatinda %10 indirim sagliyor.
available here on etsy.
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