kayip esya burosu / lost and found

Kahve Molasi - Cekirdekli Bileklik / Coffee Break - Bean Bracelet

Nedendir bilinmez, bu yeni "seriler" yapma, efendime soyleyeyim, her seyi surekli bir kategorilere sokma sevdasi bu aralar cilginca bir boyuta geldi bende. Boylece yeni serimizi takdim ediyorum: Kahve Molasi.

I don't know why, but this passion of categorizing things and making new "lines" of jewelry is becoming serious. Admitting that, I'm proudly presenting a brand new line: Coffee Break.

Adindan da anlasilacagi uzere, bu yeni serimiz kafein bagimlilarina hitap edecek cinsten.

As the name indicates, this new line is to please all the caffeine addicts.

Efenim, bu hayli gercekci kahve cekirdekleri polimer kil kullanilarak tamamen elde yapildi. Bir kokusu eksik. (Aslinda ne sahane olurdu bir de kahve koksaydi. Neyse, n'apalim..) Bilekligin toplam uzunlugu da 21,5 cm.

These highly realistic coffee beans are completely handmade of polymer clay. The only difference from the real thing is the smell. (Although, it'd have been just brill if there was the smell too. Well, what can you do..) The overall length of the bracelet is 21,5 cm.

Bir de tabii bu sefer seriye ozel bir de kart tasarladim, "kahve icen mutlu ozlem"li. O da dikkatlerden kacmasin isterim ^_^

Also, I designed a new card just for this line with a "happy ozlem, drinking coffee" illustration. Wanted to point that out. ^_^

Velhasil, surada etsy, burada dawanda, burada da fler uzerinden satista. Ayrica info@madebyozlemakin.com adresine atacaginiz bir mail ile posta dahil 55 liraya da ulasabilirsiniz kendilerine.

Available here on etsy, here on dawanda and here on fler.


Anonymous said...

amazing. i love it. maybe it's just that i'm just a coffeehead. still, im gonna order one when im not so broke. "slurp"

ozlemakin said...

^_^ Thank you! So glad to hear you liked it.

Anonymous said...

I know this comment comes a little bit late, but just wanted to let you know it's great. For years I looked for this and was always told at shops it didn't exist...glad to see it does