evet efendim, pastanemiZin ilk seri pastalariyla karsiniZdayiZ.. bir onceki yaZida bahsetmistim bu frambuaZli pastalari nasil yaptigimdan Zaten. simdi kutulanip paketlenmis, sergiye ve yola cikmaya haZir hallerini gostereyim dedim bir de..
here i am with the very first cakes of our bakery.. i've already mentioned how i made these raspberry cakes in the previous post, so i just wanted to show their boxed and ready-to-go versions now..yukardaki yesil kutulu minigi suradaki etsy adresinden yahut buradaki pasaj adresinden bulabilirsiniZ..
you can find that green boxed one here on etsy or here on pasaj..
ayni sekilde bu yukardaki turunculu da suradaki etsy adresinde ve de buradaki pasaj adresinde beklemekte..
and this orange one above is waiting here on etsy as well as here on pasaj..
kayip esya burosu / lost and found
"kremali corek, sutlu borek" yapim asamasi / miniature food: wip
simdi bastan anlasalim, hic oyle "aaa ne bicim bi pisliiik, nasil da kepaZeliiik" filan demek yok. ben Zaten yapmistim cifitci carsisi benZetmemi..
herneyse. su altta, ustteki pastalarin tabanlari var mesela..
okay, let's agree on something before starting. i'm avare of the mess so please don't come up with "but this is unexpectable, eewwww sooo dirty" kinda stuff..
anyway.. below, you can see the base for the cakes like the ones above.
su asagida da bitmis ve verniklenmeyi bekleyen kekler filan duruyor..
and this one below pictures the finished one which are waiting to be varnished.
bu arada, meyveler icin kisnis tohumu, akrilik boya ve parlak akrilik vernik kullandim.. cikolata icin de yine parlak akrilik vernik ve akrilik boya.
i used a mixture of coriander seeds, acrylic paint and glossy acrylic varnish. and for the chocolate, a mixture of acrylic paint and glossy acrylic varnish.
birkac tane de dilimlenmis pasta yaptim boyle.. bu yabanmersinli ve cook kremali olan cinsinden..
i also made some sliced cakes. this one for example is a blueberry cake with a huge amount of frosting.
bunlar da artik, ister cupcake diyin, ister muffin, ister kulahindan dusmus ama dogaustu bir sekilde seklini korumayi basarmis dondurma.. oyle iste.. siparis icin..
these ones can be called muffins, cupcakes or icecreams which supernaturally kept their shapes even after falling off their canes.. doesn't matter. they're also for the custom order.
karaorman pastasi vardi oZsut'te bi tane. ne Zaman istesem hep kalmamis olurdu ben de oZsut'un aynasi yerdim onun yerine.. iste ona benZeri bu da sanki hafiften.. yabanmersinli cikolatali pastaaa..
this one is a blueberry chocolate cake, sliced.
velhasil iste boyle.. simdi gidip yarim kalan seyleri halledeyim de, sonra toparlanip gunes batmadan adam gibi fotografalrini cekeyim madem..
so, that's all folks. i'll go and finish the remainings and try to catch the sunset to photograph them properly..
herneyse. su altta, ustteki pastalarin tabanlari var mesela..
okay, let's agree on something before starting. i'm avare of the mess so please don't come up with "but this is unexpectable, eewwww sooo dirty" kinda stuff..
anyway.. below, you can see the base for the cakes like the ones above.
su asagida da bitmis ve verniklenmeyi bekleyen kekler filan duruyor..
and this one below pictures the finished one which are waiting to be varnished.
bu arada, meyveler icin kisnis tohumu, akrilik boya ve parlak akrilik vernik kullandim.. cikolata icin de yine parlak akrilik vernik ve akrilik boya.
i used a mixture of coriander seeds, acrylic paint and glossy acrylic varnish. and for the chocolate, a mixture of acrylic paint and glossy acrylic varnish.
birkac tane de dilimlenmis pasta yaptim boyle.. bu yabanmersinli ve cook kremali olan cinsinden..
i also made some sliced cakes. this one for example is a blueberry cake with a huge amount of frosting.
bunlar da artik, ister cupcake diyin, ister muffin, ister kulahindan dusmus ama dogaustu bir sekilde seklini korumayi basarmis dondurma.. oyle iste.. siparis icin..
these ones can be called muffins, cupcakes or icecreams which supernaturally kept their shapes even after falling off their canes.. doesn't matter. they're also for the custom order.
karaorman pastasi vardi oZsut'te bi tane. ne Zaman istesem hep kalmamis olurdu ben de oZsut'un aynasi yerdim onun yerine.. iste ona benZeri bu da sanki hafiften.. yabanmersinli cikolatali pastaaa..
this one is a blueberry chocolate cake, sliced.
velhasil iste boyle.. simdi gidip yarim kalan seyleri halledeyim de, sonra toparlanip gunes batmadan adam gibi fotografalrini cekeyim madem..
so, that's all folks. i'll go and finish the remainings and try to catch the sunset to photograph them properly..
minyatur cikolata kutusu ve gida sektorune giris 101 / miniature chocolate box and introduction to miniature food business 101
efenim bu da son yaptigim cikolata kutusu.. kapagina karar verene kadar nedense epey Zaman harcadim, 2-3 farkli kapak yapmak Zorunda kaldim ama neyse ki bunda karar kilabildim sonunda. Zira daha once yaptiklarimla ayni olmasin gibi de bir istegim var, hani kolaya kacmis olmamak su bu filan.. ondan. neyse iste..
and this one is the latest chocolate box i made. i spent some ridiculous time trying to decide on this one's lid. i'm not quite sure why it took so long though, but i kinda try to make something different every time. it just doesn't feel right to repreduce the previous ones exactly.
herneyse, kendilerine suradaki etsy dukkanindan yahut buradaki pasaj adresinden ulasabilirsiniZ..
anyway, you can find this one here on etsy, or here on pasaj..
minyatur gida sektoru meselesine gelince, gecenlerde minyatur corek sepeti satin almis olan biri "ehe hee kalorisiZ ki bunlar ne guZel" gaZiyla arkadaslarina filan hediye etmek uZere iki setlik bir corek borek siparisi daha verdi, ayrica bir de pasta istedi. hal boyle olunca da is basa dustu tabi.. biraZcik da deneyselligin cekiciligi, abartmanin luksu filan derken pastaneye donmeye basladi ev yavas yavas. lakin su anda fotograf koyamiyorum henuZ Zira hem isigim yok, hem de her bir parcanin baska tarafi kurusun/pissin diye bekliyorum.. cifitci carsisi oldu Zaten ortalik da.. ama en kisa surede detayli ve de fotografli olarak bahsedecegim bu hummali calismadan..
and about miniature food business, there was this one lady who bought a pastry basket a while ago. apparently, she thought "yay, these don't have any calories at all!" and decided to give to some of her friends as gifts. so she wanted me to make two sets of new pastries plus a cake. so i started working on those. but with the joy of experimenting and appeal of exaggerating, i just couldn't help but start to make lots of them, which, in the end, made the apartment look like a miniature bakery. and sadly, i can't share the situation's photographs at the moment since i don't have the daylight and most of the things are still not dried or baked or completed yet.. but i'll be talking about this huge (!) process asap with photos, details and everything.
and this one is the latest chocolate box i made. i spent some ridiculous time trying to decide on this one's lid. i'm not quite sure why it took so long though, but i kinda try to make something different every time. it just doesn't feel right to repreduce the previous ones exactly.
herneyse, kendilerine suradaki etsy dukkanindan yahut buradaki pasaj adresinden ulasabilirsiniZ..
anyway, you can find this one here on etsy, or here on pasaj..
minyatur gida sektoru meselesine gelince, gecenlerde minyatur corek sepeti satin almis olan biri "ehe hee kalorisiZ ki bunlar ne guZel" gaZiyla arkadaslarina filan hediye etmek uZere iki setlik bir corek borek siparisi daha verdi, ayrica bir de pasta istedi. hal boyle olunca da is basa dustu tabi.. biraZcik da deneyselligin cekiciligi, abartmanin luksu filan derken pastaneye donmeye basladi ev yavas yavas. lakin su anda fotograf koyamiyorum henuZ Zira hem isigim yok, hem de her bir parcanin baska tarafi kurusun/pissin diye bekliyorum.. cifitci carsisi oldu Zaten ortalik da.. ama en kisa surede detayli ve de fotografli olarak bahsedecegim bu hummali calismadan..
and about miniature food business, there was this one lady who bought a pastry basket a while ago. apparently, she thought "yay, these don't have any calories at all!" and decided to give to some of her friends as gifts. so she wanted me to make two sets of new pastries plus a cake. so i started working on those. but with the joy of experimenting and appeal of exaggerating, i just couldn't help but start to make lots of them, which, in the end, made the apartment look like a miniature bakery. and sadly, i can't share the situation's photographs at the moment since i don't have the daylight and most of the things are still not dried or baked or completed yet.. but i'll be talking about this huge (!) process asap with photos, details and everything.
Rapunzel'in Annesi / Rapunzel's Mother
eveet, sonunda gunesi yakalayip da fotograflarini cekebildim hanimefendinin..
hikayeyi bilmeyen yoktur ama yine de kisaca bahsedelim (bu arada, ev sahibim hic duymamis rapunZel'i, koca kadina oturdum masal anlattim bi de.. neyse)
bu henimefendi, kocasiyla birlikte bir buyucunun komsusu olarak yasamakta. buyucu de bag bahce islerine pek merakli. efenim, hamileligin en asermeli safhasinda anne adayi hanimimiZ komus bahcedeki canciceklerine (ki rapunZel olarak geciyor ingiliZce ve sanirim almanca'da da) bakip bakip ic geciriyor. aksam kocasindan bir miktar rapunZel calmasini istiyor, "yemeZem biraZ tam suraya oluveririm bak" tehditleriyle. adamcagiZ da saf, olmesin karisi diye caliyor n'apsin. biZim kadin da hemen bir salata yapiyor bu rapunZellerden.
iste efenim, salatasiyla birlikte, rapunZel'e hamile anne..
masalin devaminiysa rapunZel'in babasiyla birlikte getirecegim, o da yolda..
after cathing some daylight, i photograhed her finally.
i guess everyone knows the story, but i'll mention a bit anyway (well, as a matter of fact, my landlady didn't know it at all. i had to tell a fairy tale to a middle-aged woman.. it was quite interesting)
this lady lives with her husband as the neighbour of a gardening-lover enchanter. one day, in her craving-phrase of pregnancy, she sees the rapunZels in the enchanter's garden, and not surprisingly craves for them. when her husband comes home, she demands him to steal some rapunZel with the threat "i'll drop that this very moment if i don't eat some of them". so, the poor husband goes and steals some rapunZel for her, since he's a bit lunkhead he just doesn't want his wife to drop dead. when he comes home with the rapunZel, the wife makes a salad with them immediately.
and here she is, with her beloved rapunZel salad and rapunZel in her belly..
i'll continue the tale with rapunZel's father, he's also on his way..
bu arada, bahsedip durdugum (ve fakat fotograflarindan halen haber alamadigim) sergiye giderken bu hanimefendi kahverengi ve daha seyrek saclara sahipti. sergiden donunce ilk is saclarini degistirdim. kollari da pek saglam durmuyordu omuZlarda, onlari sabitledim.. onun disinda ayni kaldi. ha, aynisi neydi ne bilelim derseniZ haklisiniZ tabii. hemen anlatayim efenim, kollari, bacaklari ve boynu, ustune ince sunger sarilmis telin sivi lateksle kaplanmasiyla yapildi (onucuncu peri'deki gibi), boylece parmaklari bile hareket edebiliyor. kafasi ve ayaklari icin polimer kil kullanildi. ayaklari ince deriyle kaplandi. surati da akrilikle boyanip yine akrilik vernikle tamamlandi.
by the way, she had brown and sparser hair when going to the exhibiton. so, the first thing i did after her retund was changing the hair. and also her arms were lousy on the shoulders, so i fixed them es well. otherwise, she stayed the same. meaning; arms, legs and neck made with liquid latex covered foam over wire armature (like 13th fairy), which makes even her fingers move-able. head and feet made of polymer clay. feet are covered with soft leather, face painted with acrylics and coated with acrylic varnish.
boyu 41cm oldu. farkindayim, giderek buyuyorlar durduramiyoruZ efendim. ve fakat buna ragmen kendi basina ayakta veya oturur, uZun oturu, yatay vs gibi poZisyanlarda durabilmekte..
she measures 41 cm, but even that tall, she can stand or sit, or lie on her own.
bir de unutmadan ekleyeyim, hal-i haZirda her bir yani hareket edebiliyorken, stop-motion animasyona da uygun bir kukla oldu kendileri, tipki onucuncu peri gibi. lakin su halinde ayaklarinda somun yok henuZ, istenirse eklenebilir tabii hemen..
oh and before forgetting, she can also be used in stop-motion animations since every single bit of her body can move. but her feet don't have any bolts yet, which can be added quickly if needed..
gelelim adres bilgilerine.. burasi etsy, burasi da pasaj adresi. fler'e koyamadim henuZ, halen ceviri bekliyorum.. ve pek tabii mail yoluyla ulasanlara indirimimiZ de her Zaman mevcut, onu da belirtelim giderayak..
duZeltme: satildi.
and for the address information.. here you can find her on esty, and here on pasaj. she's not on fler yet, i'm still waiting for the translations.. and as usual, discounted price awaits for the one who contact me regarding her via e-mail, wanted to remind just in case..
edit: sold
hikayeyi bilmeyen yoktur ama yine de kisaca bahsedelim (bu arada, ev sahibim hic duymamis rapunZel'i, koca kadina oturdum masal anlattim bi de.. neyse)
bu henimefendi, kocasiyla birlikte bir buyucunun komsusu olarak yasamakta. buyucu de bag bahce islerine pek merakli. efenim, hamileligin en asermeli safhasinda anne adayi hanimimiZ komus bahcedeki canciceklerine (ki rapunZel olarak geciyor ingiliZce ve sanirim almanca'da da) bakip bakip ic geciriyor. aksam kocasindan bir miktar rapunZel calmasini istiyor, "yemeZem biraZ tam suraya oluveririm bak" tehditleriyle. adamcagiZ da saf, olmesin karisi diye caliyor n'apsin. biZim kadin da hemen bir salata yapiyor bu rapunZellerden.
iste efenim, salatasiyla birlikte, rapunZel'e hamile anne..
masalin devaminiysa rapunZel'in babasiyla birlikte getirecegim, o da yolda..
after cathing some daylight, i photograhed her finally.
i guess everyone knows the story, but i'll mention a bit anyway (well, as a matter of fact, my landlady didn't know it at all. i had to tell a fairy tale to a middle-aged woman.. it was quite interesting)
this lady lives with her husband as the neighbour of a gardening-lover enchanter. one day, in her craving-phrase of pregnancy, she sees the rapunZels in the enchanter's garden, and not surprisingly craves for them. when her husband comes home, she demands him to steal some rapunZel with the threat "i'll drop that this very moment if i don't eat some of them". so, the poor husband goes and steals some rapunZel for her, since he's a bit lunkhead he just doesn't want his wife to drop dead. when he comes home with the rapunZel, the wife makes a salad with them immediately.
and here she is, with her beloved rapunZel salad and rapunZel in her belly..
i'll continue the tale with rapunZel's father, he's also on his way..
bu arada, bahsedip durdugum (ve fakat fotograflarindan halen haber alamadigim) sergiye giderken bu hanimefendi kahverengi ve daha seyrek saclara sahipti. sergiden donunce ilk is saclarini degistirdim. kollari da pek saglam durmuyordu omuZlarda, onlari sabitledim.. onun disinda ayni kaldi. ha, aynisi neydi ne bilelim derseniZ haklisiniZ tabii. hemen anlatayim efenim, kollari, bacaklari ve boynu, ustune ince sunger sarilmis telin sivi lateksle kaplanmasiyla yapildi (onucuncu peri'deki gibi), boylece parmaklari bile hareket edebiliyor. kafasi ve ayaklari icin polimer kil kullanildi. ayaklari ince deriyle kaplandi. surati da akrilikle boyanip yine akrilik vernikle tamamlandi.
by the way, she had brown and sparser hair when going to the exhibiton. so, the first thing i did after her retund was changing the hair. and also her arms were lousy on the shoulders, so i fixed them es well. otherwise, she stayed the same. meaning; arms, legs and neck made with liquid latex covered foam over wire armature (like 13th fairy), which makes even her fingers move-able. head and feet made of polymer clay. feet are covered with soft leather, face painted with acrylics and coated with acrylic varnish.
boyu 41cm oldu. farkindayim, giderek buyuyorlar durduramiyoruZ efendim. ve fakat buna ragmen kendi basina ayakta veya oturur, uZun oturu, yatay vs gibi poZisyanlarda durabilmekte..
she measures 41 cm, but even that tall, she can stand or sit, or lie on her own.
bir de unutmadan ekleyeyim, hal-i haZirda her bir yani hareket edebiliyorken, stop-motion animasyona da uygun bir kukla oldu kendileri, tipki onucuncu peri gibi. lakin su halinde ayaklarinda somun yok henuZ, istenirse eklenebilir tabii hemen..
oh and before forgetting, she can also be used in stop-motion animations since every single bit of her body can move. but her feet don't have any bolts yet, which can be added quickly if needed..
gelelim adres bilgilerine.. burasi etsy, burasi da pasaj adresi. fler'e koyamadim henuZ, halen ceviri bekliyorum.. ve pek tabii mail yoluyla ulasanlara indirimimiZ de her Zaman mevcut, onu da belirtelim giderayak..
duZeltme: satildi.
and for the address information.. here you can find her on esty, and here on pasaj. she's not on fler yet, i'm still waiting for the translations.. and as usual, discounted price awaits for the one who contact me regarding her via e-mail, wanted to remind just in case..
edit: sold
fransa'dan donmek ve diger seyler / returning from france and other things
ya ben doneli 2 hafta oluyo nerdeyse ama iste proje yetistirmek ve akabinde gelen "yetisecek deadline kalmamasinin dayanilmaZ hafifligi" filan derken oyle pek firsat olmadi yeni seylere.
fakat misal su asagidaki cikolata kutusu yeniydi ama buraya koymaya vaktim olmadan satildi. ilk defa boyle bir "havada kapilma" durumuyla karsilasmak tabi Ziyadesiyle mutlu etti beni..
well, it's nearly been two weeks since my return from france but, trying to finish up projects and "unbearable lightness of not having any deadlines to catch up" kept me busy for a while.
and for example, this new chocolate box below, was sold as soon as i listed it on etsy. so i really didn't have a chance to blog about it. but yes, that quick sell made me more that happy.gelelim diger seylere.. tee ne Zaman once yapip kukla sergisine verdigim, sonra geri alip sacini basini tekrar yaptigim "rapunZel'in annesi" kac Zamandir fotograflanmaya haZir ve de naZir bir sekilde beklemekte. lakin gel gor bu reZil cek havasi sadece beni delirtmekle kalmayip fotograf cekimini de gun isigini giZleyerek sekteye ugratmakta. fakat sanki bugun yagmur yok gibi, biraZdan cekebilirim belki fotograflari..
velhasil, oyle bi "yasiyorum buna yasamak denirse" tadinda kafami uZatayim dedim..
and now for the other things.. there's this "rapunZel's mother" which i made a long long time ago, gave to the puppet exhibition, collected from the exhibiton and made new hair for her. she's been waiting to be photographed all this time but this lousy czech weather is not only making me furious but also keeping me from photographing by not gibing me daylight. but then again, it doesn't look like to be raining today. so maybe i'll take some photos now.
anyway, i just wanted to say "hey, i'm still around, really" with this post.
fakat misal su asagidaki cikolata kutusu yeniydi ama buraya koymaya vaktim olmadan satildi. ilk defa boyle bir "havada kapilma" durumuyla karsilasmak tabi Ziyadesiyle mutlu etti beni..
well, it's nearly been two weeks since my return from france but, trying to finish up projects and "unbearable lightness of not having any deadlines to catch up" kept me busy for a while.
and for example, this new chocolate box below, was sold as soon as i listed it on etsy. so i really didn't have a chance to blog about it. but yes, that quick sell made me more that happy.gelelim diger seylere.. tee ne Zaman once yapip kukla sergisine verdigim, sonra geri alip sacini basini tekrar yaptigim "rapunZel'in annesi" kac Zamandir fotograflanmaya haZir ve de naZir bir sekilde beklemekte. lakin gel gor bu reZil cek havasi sadece beni delirtmekle kalmayip fotograf cekimini de gun isigini giZleyerek sekteye ugratmakta. fakat sanki bugun yagmur yok gibi, biraZdan cekebilirim belki fotograflari..
velhasil, oyle bi "yasiyorum buna yasamak denirse" tadinda kafami uZatayim dedim..
and now for the other things.. there's this "rapunZel's mother" which i made a long long time ago, gave to the puppet exhibition, collected from the exhibiton and made new hair for her. she's been waiting to be photographed all this time but this lousy czech weather is not only making me furious but also keeping me from photographing by not gibing me daylight. but then again, it doesn't look like to be raining today. so maybe i'll take some photos now.
anyway, i just wanted to say "hey, i'm still around, really" with this post.
Onucuncu Peri / 13th Fairy
efenim bu hanimefendi taa uZak diyarlardan, bitmemis kuklalar meZarligindan kalkti da geldi. evet, kendisini guya "side-kicks of fairy tales" ("masallarin yancilari" diye cevrilse daha hos olur aslinda ama gercekte "masallarin yan karakterleri" olarak cevirmek daha uygunluk sinirlari icinde bir davranis olur. o yuZden hic cevirmedim ya Zati, neyse) adini koymayi planladigim kukla sergimde yer alacak misafirlerden biri olacakti ama yetismedi efendim, yetisemedi.. hatta, sadece "rapunZel'in annesi" yetisti o sergiye, sergi de isimsiZ kalmis oldu boylece.. neyse, neyse..
this lady is coming from a far away land named "graveyard of unfinished puppets". yep, she was meant to be a member of my "side-kicks of fairy tales" themed puppet exhibition. but she was never finished. as a matter of fact, the only puppet that was finished for the exhibition was "rapunZel's mother", therefore the whole thing remained nameless. anyway..uyuyan guZel masalindaki uyuyan guZeli lanetleyen buyucuyu herkes hatirlar heralde.. iste, bu hanimefendi de o buyucunun ta kendisi. aslinda peri demeyi tercih ediyorum su noktada. her ne kadar her kaynakta farki betimlenmis olsa da, en aZindan benim okuduklarimin cogunda peri olarak anilmakta kendileri. ama baZilarinda buyuculuk vasfi da eklendigi icin iste sapka da verdim peri henima.. masala gelecek olursak, aslinda bu hanim hic de oyle seytani, kotu filan degil. sadece kiZgin. hep o uyuyan guZelin sapsal annesinin sucu aslinda. sen kalkip "aa sarayda 12 altin tabak var, madem biZ de perilerden birini cagirmayiverelim dogum partisine" seklinde sahane bir coZum bulursan olacagi budur tabi.. sonucta seytan dolduruyo o asayi da.. her neyse, bana kalsa altin tabakla ugrasmayim direk gumuslerle coZselermis olayi hic sorun kalmaZmis ama bu masal kahramanlarin annelerinin hemen hepsinde anlamsiZ bi salaklik var Zaten.. rapunZel'in anne de ayni, ama ondan daha sonra bahsedecegim..
i guess everyone remembers the fairy from sleeping beauty, the one curses the girl.. okay, and here he is. she's referred as a fairy in most of the versions i've read, but still, some of them were referring her as an enchanter. that's why i gave her the witch hat. anyway, back to the tale.. she's not actually evil, wicked or anything like that. she's just angry. and it's all sleeping beauty's mother's fault. if you find the perfect solution in not inviting one of the fairies with the reason that you don't have enough golden plates for all of them, well, you should be prepared for anything. if you ask me, they should've just forgotten about the golden plates and stuck with the good old silver. almost every single mother character in fairy tales is somehow stupid though. rapunZel's mother for instance, wasn't so different. and her father as well.. anyway, i'll talk about that incredible family later..
gelelim teknik detaylara.. vucut her Zamanki gibi yine tel konstruksiyona sahip. her Zamanki gibi olmayan ise boyutu ve malZemeler.. 35.5 cm oldu bu sefer. kollari ve boynu sivi lateks kapli, parmaklarina kadar hareket edebiliyor. ayakta durabiliyor, efendime soyleyeyim, oturuyor kalkiyor filan.. boyle seyler iste. kafasi ve ayaklari moduritten, saclar yun, sapka da kece.
okay, time for the technical details. she has a wire armature as usual. but unusually, she's 14" (35.5 cm) tall and has liquid latex-covered arms and neck. even her fingers are move-able. She can sit, stand and everything. modurit was used for the head and feet, mohair for hair and felt for the hat.
Ziyaret etmek isteyenler icin de adresini veriyorum, buyrun burasi etsy'deki evi, burasi da fler'deki..
duZeltme: satildi gibi sanki..
now i'm giving her address for the ones who'd like to visit; this is her home in etsy, and this in fler.
edit: looks like it's been sold..
ha bi de unutmadan not; birkac saat icerisinde gemeinschaft'i temsil etmek uZere annecy'ye dogru yola cikiyor olacagim. haliyle bir hafta kadar yeni bir seyle karsilasmayi pek ummayin derim. ote yandan, gelismeleri ve saskiliklarimi Zlin disina tasmis olacak olan gunceden takip edebilirsiniZ tabi..
and before i forget, i will be on my way to annecy with gemeinschaft within a few hours, so you better not to expect anything new for one week..
this lady is coming from a far away land named "graveyard of unfinished puppets". yep, she was meant to be a member of my "side-kicks of fairy tales" themed puppet exhibition. but she was never finished. as a matter of fact, the only puppet that was finished for the exhibition was "rapunZel's mother", therefore the whole thing remained nameless. anyway..uyuyan guZel masalindaki uyuyan guZeli lanetleyen buyucuyu herkes hatirlar heralde.. iste, bu hanimefendi de o buyucunun ta kendisi. aslinda peri demeyi tercih ediyorum su noktada. her ne kadar her kaynakta farki betimlenmis olsa da, en aZindan benim okuduklarimin cogunda peri olarak anilmakta kendileri. ama baZilarinda buyuculuk vasfi da eklendigi icin iste sapka da verdim peri henima.. masala gelecek olursak, aslinda bu hanim hic de oyle seytani, kotu filan degil. sadece kiZgin. hep o uyuyan guZelin sapsal annesinin sucu aslinda. sen kalkip "aa sarayda 12 altin tabak var, madem biZ de perilerden birini cagirmayiverelim dogum partisine" seklinde sahane bir coZum bulursan olacagi budur tabi.. sonucta seytan dolduruyo o asayi da.. her neyse, bana kalsa altin tabakla ugrasmayim direk gumuslerle coZselermis olayi hic sorun kalmaZmis ama bu masal kahramanlarin annelerinin hemen hepsinde anlamsiZ bi salaklik var Zaten.. rapunZel'in anne de ayni, ama ondan daha sonra bahsedecegim..
i guess everyone remembers the fairy from sleeping beauty, the one curses the girl.. okay, and here he is. she's referred as a fairy in most of the versions i've read, but still, some of them were referring her as an enchanter. that's why i gave her the witch hat. anyway, back to the tale.. she's not actually evil, wicked or anything like that. she's just angry. and it's all sleeping beauty's mother's fault. if you find the perfect solution in not inviting one of the fairies with the reason that you don't have enough golden plates for all of them, well, you should be prepared for anything. if you ask me, they should've just forgotten about the golden plates and stuck with the good old silver. almost every single mother character in fairy tales is somehow stupid though. rapunZel's mother for instance, wasn't so different. and her father as well.. anyway, i'll talk about that incredible family later..
gelelim teknik detaylara.. vucut her Zamanki gibi yine tel konstruksiyona sahip. her Zamanki gibi olmayan ise boyutu ve malZemeler.. 35.5 cm oldu bu sefer. kollari ve boynu sivi lateks kapli, parmaklarina kadar hareket edebiliyor. ayakta durabiliyor, efendime soyleyeyim, oturuyor kalkiyor filan.. boyle seyler iste. kafasi ve ayaklari moduritten, saclar yun, sapka da kece.
okay, time for the technical details. she has a wire armature as usual. but unusually, she's 14" (35.5 cm) tall and has liquid latex-covered arms and neck. even her fingers are move-able. She can sit, stand and everything. modurit was used for the head and feet, mohair for hair and felt for the hat.
Ziyaret etmek isteyenler icin de adresini veriyorum, buyrun burasi etsy'deki evi, burasi da fler'deki..
duZeltme: satildi gibi sanki..
now i'm giving her address for the ones who'd like to visit; this is her home in etsy, and this in fler.
edit: looks like it's been sold..
ha bi de unutmadan not; birkac saat icerisinde gemeinschaft'i temsil etmek uZere annecy'ye dogru yola cikiyor olacagim. haliyle bir hafta kadar yeni bir seyle karsilasmayi pek ummayin derim. ote yandan, gelismeleri ve saskiliklarimi Zlin disina tasmis olacak olan gunceden takip edebilirsiniZ tabi..
and before i forget, i will be on my way to annecy with gemeinschaft within a few hours, so you better not to expect anything new for one week..
minyatur cikolata kutulari / miniature chocolate boxes
su son Zamanlarda sardigim minyatur isinde en sevdiklerim bu minik cikolatalar oldu herhalde.. aluminyum folyodan bolme yapma isi pek ugrastiriyor ama olsun, guZel oluyor..
oncesinde biraZ arastirdim internette, nedir ne degildir bu minyatur cikolata kutulari diye.. inanir misiniZ, dogru duZgun bisey bulamadim pek.. genelde bir kutu icine araliklarla yapistirilmis cikolatalardan ibaretler, bolmeleri filan yok yani.. ben de "aman tanrim yoksa bir ilki mi gerceklestiriyordum" heyecaniyla basladim cikolata yemeye..
tabi o da ayri bir konu.. Zira normal aluminyum folyo yerine altin-bronZ renkli folyonun daha guZel gorundugune inaniyorum. e hal boyle olunca da bir nevi geri donusum projesi haline geldi bu ciciler..
these little chocolates instantly became my favorites of that 'latest obsession for making miniatures' of mine.. the most time consuming thing abot them sure is making the partitions from aluminum foil, but they look quite nice if you ask me..
by the way, i made a little research about miniature chocolate boxes (yep, a pretty specific research it was) and believe me or not, couldn't find much. then with an excitement named "oooh am i gone be the first?" i started eating chocolates..
well yes, you read right.. since i didn't want to use normal aluminum foils, i had to make the whole thing a little bit like a recycling project.. and it tasted good :)
su yukaridakinin dukkan adresi burada, oncelikle onu belirteyim. Zira daha once minyaturler olarak verdigim link, kategorinin buyuyup karismasi nedeniyle anlamini yavas yavas yitiriyor..
the above is sitting here at the shop. I'm giving the links of the items individually from now on because, the category of miniatures started to be quite crowded and giving the link for it became pointless..
yukardaki pembeli morlu minikburada, asagidaki dairesel sekil de surada efenim.
duZeltme; o pembeli morlu minik orada degil artik, postaya gitmeyi bekliyor efenim..
the pink one above ishere, and the rounded one below is there..
edit: the pink one is not there anymore, it's waiting to get to the post office..
asagidaki de yaptigim ilk cikolata kutusu olarak tarihe gecsin lutfen..adresi surada..
duzeltme: satildi!
the one below is the very first chocolate box i made, as a historical note..and it's waiting here.
edit: sold!
son olarak biraZ da cikolatalardan bahsetmek istiyorum.. 4 renk hamur kullandim; kahverengi, koyu kahverengi, karamel ve kirik beyaZ.. dairesel sekil icin hani ince fircalarin koruma borulari olur ya, onlardan kullandim.. suslemeleri de tabanlari pisirdikten sonra yapip ikinci keZ pisirerek tamamladim.. kare olanlari da pisirmeden once maket bicagiyla keserek yaptim, cok birbirlerinin ayni degiller o yuZden..
and for the last but not least, i'd like to talk about the chocolates. i used 4 colors of clay; brown, dark brown, caramel and creamy white. for the round sahpe, i used the cap of a small paint brush. and after baking the bases, i made the embellishments and baked one more time. and for the square ones, o cut them before baking by hand so they don't have the same shape, but this made them kinda unique..
oncesinde biraZ arastirdim internette, nedir ne degildir bu minyatur cikolata kutulari diye.. inanir misiniZ, dogru duZgun bisey bulamadim pek.. genelde bir kutu icine araliklarla yapistirilmis cikolatalardan ibaretler, bolmeleri filan yok yani.. ben de "aman tanrim yoksa bir ilki mi gerceklestiriyordum" heyecaniyla basladim cikolata yemeye..
tabi o da ayri bir konu.. Zira normal aluminyum folyo yerine altin-bronZ renkli folyonun daha guZel gorundugune inaniyorum. e hal boyle olunca da bir nevi geri donusum projesi haline geldi bu ciciler..
these little chocolates instantly became my favorites of that 'latest obsession for making miniatures' of mine.. the most time consuming thing abot them sure is making the partitions from aluminum foil, but they look quite nice if you ask me..
by the way, i made a little research about miniature chocolate boxes (yep, a pretty specific research it was) and believe me or not, couldn't find much. then with an excitement named "oooh am i gone be the first?" i started eating chocolates..
well yes, you read right.. since i didn't want to use normal aluminum foils, i had to make the whole thing a little bit like a recycling project.. and it tasted good :)
su yukaridakinin dukkan adresi burada, oncelikle onu belirteyim. Zira daha once minyaturler olarak verdigim link, kategorinin buyuyup karismasi nedeniyle anlamini yavas yavas yitiriyor..
the above is sitting here at the shop. I'm giving the links of the items individually from now on because, the category of miniatures started to be quite crowded and giving the link for it became pointless..
yukardaki pembeli morlu minik
duZeltme; o pembeli morlu minik orada degil artik, postaya gitmeyi bekliyor efenim..
the pink one above is
edit: the pink one is not there anymore, it's waiting to get to the post office..
asagidaki de yaptigim ilk cikolata kutusu olarak tarihe gecsin lutfen..
duzeltme: satildi!
the one below is the very first chocolate box i made, as a historical note..
edit: sold!
son olarak biraZ da cikolatalardan bahsetmek istiyorum.. 4 renk hamur kullandim; kahverengi, koyu kahverengi, karamel ve kirik beyaZ.. dairesel sekil icin hani ince fircalarin koruma borulari olur ya, onlardan kullandim.. suslemeleri de tabanlari pisirdikten sonra yapip ikinci keZ pisirerek tamamladim.. kare olanlari da pisirmeden once maket bicagiyla keserek yaptim, cok birbirlerinin ayni degiller o yuZden..
and for the last but not least, i'd like to talk about the chocolates. i used 4 colors of clay; brown, dark brown, caramel and creamy white. for the round sahpe, i used the cap of a small paint brush. and after baking the bases, i made the embellishments and baked one more time. and for the square ones, o cut them before baking by hand so they don't have the same shape, but this made them kinda unique..
fransiZca jaZZ soyleyen tunus'lu cingene / tunusian gypsie singer
tee kac Zaman once soZunu verip basladigim, akabinde araya giren cekimler, festivaller ve baska sacmaliklar nedeniyle bir turlu ne tam anlamiyla bitirmeye, ne de postaneye gitmeye Zaman bulabildigim, ve fakat sonunda bir kac gun once yeni evine ulasmis olan "siluetinin sigara dumanlarının mavi neon ışıklarının altında hareler yarattığı salaş bir fransız barında çıplak ayakla fransızca caz söyleyen tunus'lu çingene".
well, this was a gift for a felow blogger, and this tunusian gypsie was her dream character. the description in turkish is so gorgeus and unique, that i won't even attempt to try translating..
hastaligiyla morali boZulan gulen teZer'e, profil hayalinden de cok etkilenmis olacagim ki, bir minik hediyecik yapmak istemistim. biraZcik da olsa keyfi yerine gelsin, kafasi dagilsin diye.. ayrica da dedigim gibi, o kadar gorsel, o kadar canli bir betimleme ki, kendimi alikoyamadim biraZ da..
gulen hanim da sagolsun pek sevinmis, begenmis. hem onun yuZunu guldurebildigime, hem de minik cingene hanimin yani evinde cok sevildigini ogrendigime pek sevindim ben de..
gelelim biraZ da teknik bilgilere.. malesef hatirlamiyorum kac cm oldugunu, not da almamisim kiyiya koseye.. ama taribi bi 15-16cm vardir heralde, belki biraZcik da faZlasi.. efenim el-ayak bilekleri ve boynu disinda eklemler yine pek oynak pek kivrak.. ciplak ayaklarinin ustunde durmayi da becerebiliyor sagolsun.. vucudu tel+modurit ile yaptim yine, akrilikle boyayip akrilik vernikle de tamamladim. kostum icin tum cingenelerin ve cingene kostumculerinin favorisi olan "incik pincik kumas parcalari koleksiyonu"ma basvurdum.. cicegi surada biraZ deginmis oldugum "crap shop"tan almistim vakt-i Zamaninda.. saclari da ham yunu ince parcalar halinde ayirip sonra da bi guZel sac kremine bulayip cop sislere sarmak marifetiyle yaptim.. lakin "hair conditioiner"i nasil olmus da sac kremi diye algilamisim, onu pek bilemiyorum.. aman evde denemeyin.. jole olur sac spreyi olur, bunlar guZel seyler..ama sac kremi basmbaska bi amaca hiZmet ediyo Zaten, kepek yapar hem..off neyse, Zaten iki damla olan aklimi filme kaptirdigim doneme tekabul ediyor gerci bu olay, anlayisli olmak laZim.. gelmeyin ustume.. >.<
well, this was a gift for a felow blogger, and this tunusian gypsie was her dream character. the description in turkish is so gorgeus and unique, that i won't even attempt to try translating..
hastaligiyla morali boZulan gulen teZer'e, profil hayalinden de cok etkilenmis olacagim ki, bir minik hediyecik yapmak istemistim. biraZcik da olsa keyfi yerine gelsin, kafasi dagilsin diye.. ayrica da dedigim gibi, o kadar gorsel, o kadar canli bir betimleme ki, kendimi alikoyamadim biraZ da..
gulen hanim da sagolsun pek sevinmis, begenmis. hem onun yuZunu guldurebildigime, hem de minik cingene hanimin yani evinde cok sevildigini ogrendigime pek sevindim ben de..
gelelim biraZ da teknik bilgilere.. malesef hatirlamiyorum kac cm oldugunu, not da almamisim kiyiya koseye.. ama taribi bi 15-16cm vardir heralde, belki biraZcik da faZlasi.. efenim el-ayak bilekleri ve boynu disinda eklemler yine pek oynak pek kivrak.. ciplak ayaklarinin ustunde durmayi da becerebiliyor sagolsun.. vucudu tel+modurit ile yaptim yine, akrilikle boyayip akrilik vernikle de tamamladim. kostum icin tum cingenelerin ve cingene kostumculerinin favorisi olan "incik pincik kumas parcalari koleksiyonu"ma basvurdum.. cicegi surada biraZ deginmis oldugum "crap shop"tan almistim vakt-i Zamaninda.. saclari da ham yunu ince parcalar halinde ayirip sonra da bi guZel sac kremine bulayip cop sislere sarmak marifetiyle yaptim.. lakin "hair conditioiner"i nasil olmus da sac kremi diye algilamisim, onu pek bilemiyorum.. aman evde denemeyin.. jole olur sac spreyi olur, bunlar guZel seyler..ama sac kremi basmbaska bi amaca hiZmet ediyo Zaten, kepek yapar hem..off neyse, Zaten iki damla olan aklimi filme kaptirdigim doneme tekabul ediyor gerci bu olay, anlayisli olmak laZim.. gelmeyin ustume.. >.<
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