kayip esya burosu / lost and found

hakkinda / about

1986'nın neşeli bir bahar gününde doğdu..
biraZcik buyudukten sonra resim yapmaya basladi - diger tum akranlari gibi. ve bir aksam, hilesiz ve hurdasiz bir insan vucudunu tam olarak cizmeyi basardi. bu da cocukluguna dair en mutlu anilardan biri haline geldi. bu buyuk basaridan sonra hep bir ressam olmayi hayal etti (her ne kadar dansoz olmaktan bahsettigi gibi dedikodular olsa da.. ama sonucta dedikodu iste).
7 yasinda okula basladi (ve gorunuse bakilirsa bu bir aliskanlik haline geldi)
lisede, cizgifilmci olmak uzerine hayaller kurmaya basladi. fakat universite zamani geldiginde sinema-tv okumayi secti -ki bu da oldukca iyi bir tercihti.
boylece izmir'den istanbul'a goctu ve ilk senesini taşınarak ve tuhaf işlere girip çıkarak geçirdi. sonraki zamanlarda çeşitli öğrenci filmlerinde bir takım görevler aldı, evinde kedi besledi.. universitenin ucuncu yilinda, secmeli ders olarak japonca almak istedi ama okul turlu cesit bahane one surerek bu duruma engel oldu ve japonca yerine o sene yeni acilan stop-motion dersini onerdi. animasyon ruyalari da boylece bu firsati kacirpayip aninda geri gonduler. hem de ne donus.. stop-motion'la bizzat tanistiktan sonra bir turlu pesini birakamadi. sonucta da 2008'de, mezuniyet projesi olarak ilk gercek kisa filmi gemeinschaft'i cekti ve bu arada da yeniden cizmeye basladi -akil sagligini koruyabilmek adina, neyse ki ise yaradi.
film biter bitmez kukla animasyonu askina tasi taragi toplayip istanbul'u terketti ve cek cuhmuriyeti'ne yerlesti. ilk birkac ayi soguga alismakla gecti. hemen sonrasinda da minik kuklalar yapmaya ve film cekmeye devam etmeye basladi. 2009'un ikinci yarisinda ikinci filmi loutky'yi tamamlayip minyatur ve kuklalarina geri dondu.
su siralar, ucuncu filmiyle bogusmakta..

merak ettiginiz her sey icin sayfanin altindaki kutucugu kullanarak formspring'den faydalanabilirsiniz.

she was born in turkey, and that was a shiny springtime of 1986.
when she grew up a little, she started to draw - like every other kid at her age. and one evening, she finally managed to draw a simple human body without any tricks. this happened to be one of the jolliest memories of her childhood. she had always wanted to be a painter, especially after that great achievement. (although there are some rumors about her wanting to be a belly dancer. still, they're just rumors)
at age of 7, she started going to school (and this turned out to be a habit)
in high school, she started to dream about becoming an animator. but when it was time for university, she decided to study film and television - which was also a great choice.
and just like that, she moved to istanbul. she spent her first year in istanbul with getting and quitting a bunch of strange jobs, and moving a lot. the following years went by working in various positions for student films and looking after cats in her flat. in the third year of university, she wanted to choose japanese language as an elective course but the school told her that it was impossible for some reason and she was offered to take stop-motion animation -which was a new course, starting that very year- instead. that was the opportunity for the animation dreams to come back, and they did. they did indeed. after meeting stop-motion in-person, she loved it so much that she just couldn't behind. and eventually, in 2008, she shot her first actual short film gemeinschaft as her graduation project, and started to draw again in the meantime -just to stay sane, and gladly it worked.
as soon as she finished the film, she packed her things, left istanbul and moved to czech republic -for the sake of puppet animation. her first few months were about getting used to the cold. and right after that, she started to make puppets and continued making films. in the second half of 2009, she finished her second film loutky and went back to her puppets and miniatures again.
nowadays, she's trying to make her third film...

for any other details you'd like to learn, feel free to use the little box below (via formspring)