efenim bu da 10marifet'in sonbahar yarismasina katilmis olmak amaciyla yaptigim masacik. ve fakat ne yalan soyleyeyim, olesiye useniyorum tekrardan yaZmaya, o yuZden 10marifete ne yaZdiysam kopylayip yapistiriyorum. simdiden maZur gorunuZ..
this tiny table is what i made for a turkish website's autumn themed contest. efenim, ben de bir minyaturlu calisma ile katilayim dedim yarismaya. aslinda dalli budakli bir kukla fikrim vardi ama Zaman olmadi malesef hic..
ilk etapta masamiZi farkli acilardan gosteren fotograflari paylasmak istiyorum, buyrun..
i was actually planning to make a brench-like puppet for the contest but i never had the time for that. so here i present you the autumn table from different angles..
bu burada da metrik sistemde bir cetvel ile birlikte gormektesiniZ.
and here you can see it photographed with a metric ruler.
gelelim ayrintilara..
yukarida butunluk icerisinde gormus oldugunuZ fotograflardaki her seyi teker teker kendim yapmis bulunuyorum.
and about the details..
every single thing you can see in the photos above are completely handmade by me..
but.. you know what, i really don't feel like translating all these things i've written for that website i was talking about. and since i don't actually have lots of non-turkish speaking readers (yeah, well.. what can you do), i'll just leave that as it is..
misal bu yukaridaki, bir adet sicak sarap seti. kendileri bir adet testiden, bir adet uZerine toZ tarcin serpilmis olmasi yetmeZmis gibi bir adet de cubuk tarcin ihtiva eden mis kokulu bir kupa dolusu sicak sarap ve bir adet de cubuk tarcindan olusmakta. toplu fotografta masanin ortalarinda ve arka tarafa konuslanmis olarak da gorebilirsiniZ kendilerini.. biliyorum, sicak sarap daha Ziyade kis mevsimiyle oZdeslesmis durumda ama sanirim son birkac gundur buralarda yagmakta olan kar kendilerini sonbahar masama koymaya itti beni..
evet bu kabak efendi de masamiZin sol arka kosesine konuslanmis idi. nedendir bilinmeZ, hem form itibariyle hem de renkleri yuZunden pek sever oldum balkabaklarini. sonbahara da ayrica yakisiyor hani..
balkabagini masaya kabak gibi koyup turtasindan yapmamak olmaZ dedim.. tabagindan spatulasina kadar, soyledigim gibi el emegi goZ nuru.. kendileri masanin sag on noktasinda kurulmus idi onceki fotograflarda..
bir de bu acidan bakmaya ne dersiniZ?
vallahi ne yalan soyleyeyim, aslinda butun bu proje bu yaprakciklarla basladi.. kendilerini kahve filtresi kullanarak yapip suluboyayla boyadim. kahve filtresinin cok kutsal bir islevi olmasi yetmeZmis gibi (kahve yapmak kutsal istir, kahve kutsal icecegimiZ.. kahve sen biZim her seyimiZsin), sahane de bir dokusu var.. velhasil efenim bu yaprakciklari masanin muhtelif yerlerine dagilmis vaZiyette gorebilirsiniZ.. dekorasyon, evet..
bu balkabagi marmelatli (fena halde uyduruyo da olabilirim, "yok oyle bi marmelat, sacmaliyorsun" diyen olursa da hemen "portakal marmelati onlar, evet" diyerek yan ciZebilirim yani..) kurabiye arkadaslar da masanin sol on kosesinde oturmaktaydilar. tabagindan marmelatina kadar her sey polimer kil marifetiyle yapildi..
efenim bu mumlari da daha once surada linkini paylasmis oldugum teknigi kullanarak yaptim. daha once denemeye firsatim olmamisti ama acayip keyifliymis, fena halde tavsiye ederim..
tamam itiraf ediyorum, burada hile yaptim aZicik. ama aZicik. soyle ki, burada bahsettigim sepetlerin icine koymak uZere yapmis oldugum elmalari kullandim simdi. yok ayol hile falan degilmis aslinda, elma benim elmam hem, istedigim yere koyarim. sonbahar elmasi.. kaseyi de kinnap denildigine inandigim (ama bu inancin da pek temeli yok hani) ipi dondur-yapistir teknigini kullanarak yaptim.
evet efenim, burada da masanin ciplak halini gormektesiniZ. sadece tek tarafi degil, 4 bir tarafi bu oZene sahip. basta daha normal bir masa yapayim diyordum ama bu organik ve biraZ da yaslanmis havayi daha cok sevdigimi farkettim..
masanin yuZeyini ilk olarak mukavva (ya cok komik bir soZcuk bu mukavva, her kullandigimda istemsiZce siritiyorum) ile sekillendirdim. akabinde cop sis parcalariyla bacaklari yapip yapistirdim. sonrasinda da ver elini polimer kil. masam pistikten sonra da once kahverengi akrilik, ardindan da eskitmeli boya ile de bu hale getirdim.. son katman da akrilik vernikten ibaret.. velhasil, bu da boyle bir sonbahardi iste..
kayip esya burosu / lost and found
cadili susler / witchy ornaments
efenim, boylece cadilar bayrami serimiZin sonuna gelmis bulunuyoruZ. yugunluklar ve kosusturmalar nedeniyle, daha once bahsetmis oldugum "n'olur biZi de araniZa arin" konulu cete de ancak iki uyeye sahip olabildi malesef.. ben de bir de agac susu yapmis olayim diyerek bu konvansiyonel hanimefendileri yaptim giderayak. evet, amerika'da sadece yilbasinda degil cadilar bayraminda da agac suslenmekteymis, bunu da boylece ogrenmis oldum..
and here we are at the end of my halloween series. lack of time and more than enough of rush caused me to let my "trick or threat! ..please?" gang have just two members. and then, i decided to make some conventional witch ornaments before it's too late..bu yukaridaki hanimefendi modurit (polimer kil), kece, dantel ve sentetik gibi gorunen ilginc bir yun kullanilarak yapildi. surati genel olarak hamurun kendi rengi, hafifce suluboyayla renklendirdim sadece. sapkasinin ucundan cikan ip sayesinde de ailabilmekte oraya buraya..
burada beklemekteler kendileri..
duzeltme: satildi!
this lady above is made of modurit (polymer clay), felt, lace and some wool. the clay was left natural for the face and colored lightly with watercolors. and the loop coming out of her witchy hat lets her to be hanged anywhere..
she's available here on etsy.
edit: sold!
bu yukardaki hanimefendi de bir oncekiyle hemen hemen ayni oZelliklere sahip. tek fark suratinin tamamen akrilikle boyanmis olmasi. bir de asma ipinin ip degil de dantel olusu..
kendileri de burada..
and this lady above has more or less the same characteristics as the first one. except the fact that she was painted fully with acrylics and has a piece of lace trim instead of rope for the hanging loop.
she's also available here on etsy.
and here we are at the end of my halloween series. lack of time and more than enough of rush caused me to let my "trick or threat! ..please?" gang have just two members. and then, i decided to make some conventional witch ornaments before it's too late..bu yukaridaki hanimefendi modurit (polimer kil), kece, dantel ve sentetik gibi gorunen ilginc bir yun kullanilarak yapildi. surati genel olarak hamurun kendi rengi, hafifce suluboyayla renklendirdim sadece. sapkasinin ucundan cikan ip sayesinde de ailabilmekte oraya buraya..
duzeltme: satildi!
this lady above is made of modurit (polymer clay), felt, lace and some wool. the clay was left natural for the face and colored lightly with watercolors. and the loop coming out of her witchy hat lets her to be hanged anywhere..
edit: sold!
bu yukardaki hanimefendi de bir oncekiyle hemen hemen ayni oZelliklere sahip. tek fark suratinin tamamen akrilikle boyanmis olmasi. bir de asma ipinin ip degil de dantel olusu..
kendileri de burada..
and this lady above has more or less the same characteristics as the first one. except the fact that she was painted fully with acrylics and has a piece of lace trim instead of rope for the hanging loop.
she's also available here on etsy.
Ozel Siparis Kukla / Puppet on a Custom Order
efenim, bir siparis kuklasiyla daha karsiniZdayim. aslinda bu kukla biteli oluyor epey ama haftaici firsat bulup da cekememistim fotograflarini bir turlu. bu huZurlariniZdaki de alper bey.
here i am with another custom order. i've finished this one a while ago, but i just couldn't find the time to photograph it durung this week. fotografta daha kahverengiye kaciyor sac rengi ama alper bey oZellikle belirtti saclarinin aslinda siyah oldugunu.
he has a bit brownish hair in the photograph, but mr. alper especially indicated that his hair was actually black.
yine polimer kil, tel, yun ve kumaslarla yapildi kendileri. bir de ekstradan cikarilabilen bir gunes goZlugu var kafasinda. boyun ve el bilekleri haric tum eklemleri hareketli. boyu da 20.5 cm.
again, polymer clay, wire, mohair and fabrics were used to make him. and he has a pair of removable sunglasses on his head. all his joints are working except for the ones in his neck and wrists, and he stands 20.5 cm tall.
bir de dedim madem hediye olacak bu kukla, bari elinde bir de hediyesi olsun kendisinin de. boylece alper bey'e de supriZ olan bir minyatur buket verdim eline.
and since this was going to be a gift, i thought it'd be better to give him a gift too. this miniature bouquet was a surprise for mr. alper also.
bu da yakindan cicek.
and here is a close-up of the bouquet.
here i am with another custom order. i've finished this one a while ago, but i just couldn't find the time to photograph it durung this week. fotografta daha kahverengiye kaciyor sac rengi ama alper bey oZellikle belirtti saclarinin aslinda siyah oldugunu.
he has a bit brownish hair in the photograph, but mr. alper especially indicated that his hair was actually black.
yine polimer kil, tel, yun ve kumaslarla yapildi kendileri. bir de ekstradan cikarilabilen bir gunes goZlugu var kafasinda. boyun ve el bilekleri haric tum eklemleri hareketli. boyu da 20.5 cm.
again, polymer clay, wire, mohair and fabrics were used to make him. and he has a pair of removable sunglasses on his head. all his joints are working except for the ones in his neck and wrists, and he stands 20.5 cm tall.
bir de dedim madem hediye olacak bu kukla, bari elinde bir de hediyesi olsun kendisinin de. boylece alper bey'e de supriZ olan bir minyatur buket verdim eline.
and since this was going to be a gift, i thought it'd be better to give him a gift too. this miniature bouquet was a surprise for mr. alper also.
bu da yakindan cicek.
and here is a close-up of the bouquet.
cekilis sonucu
evet, an itibariyle cekilisimi yapmis bulunmaktayim. sonuc ise 2 numarali yorumun sahibi kapkaracamdankelebek'i gosteriyor. tebrikler, ve katilan herkese tesekkurler. :)
yeri gelmisken / it's about time
efenim, gordum ki 100 izleyicim olmus an itibariyle. kimi bloglarda gorup oZendigim 100. iZleyici kutlamasini ben de yapmaya karar verdim. soyle ki, bu yaZiya 9 ekim'e kadar yorum birakanlar arasindan kura yontemiyle sececegim birine, sadece posta ucreti ve malZeme karsiliginda (malZeme ucreti degil, kumas, dantel, ip, yun, vs. gibi, kuklada kullanacagim malZemelerden bahsediyorum) bir kukla yapip gonderecegim.
yorumlariniZda e-mail adresiniZi belirtmeyi unutmayin lutfen.
now that i have 100 followers, i decided to make that 100th follower celebration which i've been seeing on some blogs. but it's gonna be a bit different here. i'll pick someone randomly from the comments on this post like usual. you'll have time until 9th to post your comments. after picking the lucky commenter, in return of the post fee and some materials (like fabrics, lace, ribbons, wool, thread, beads, etc. whatever comes to your mind that might be used for doll making) i'll make a puppet just for her/him.
please don't forget to include your e-mail address in your comment.
yorumlariniZda e-mail adresiniZi belirtmeyi unutmayin lutfen.
now that i have 100 followers, i decided to make that 100th follower celebration which i've been seeing on some blogs. but it's gonna be a bit different here. i'll pick someone randomly from the comments on this post like usual. you'll have time until 9th to post your comments. after picking the lucky commenter, in return of the post fee and some materials (like fabrics, lace, ribbons, wool, thread, beads, etc. whatever comes to your mind that might be used for doll making) i'll make a puppet just for her/him.
please don't forget to include your e-mail address in your comment.
cadilar bayrami oZel II - halloween special II
eveet, cetemiZin ikinci uyesi minik cadi da huzurlariniZda. bu minik hanim da ayni balkabagi arkadasi gibi mustakbel bir "batinin kotu cadisi" olduguna aldiris etmeden cadilar bayrami eglencesine dahil olmak istiyor. ve fakat seker cantasi son derece bos.
eh, onu suclayabilir misiniZ?
so, here i present you the second member of the gang i was talking about, the little witch. just like the pupmkinfriend, she also wants to be a part of the halloween fun, even though she's a wicked witch to be.
well, can you really blame her?
yine bir onceki gibi bu hanim da biblo kategorisinde. hatta bir oncekinden daha da stabil, anca elindeki cantasi cikarilabilir, cok istenirse (saka saka, cok istemeden de cikar o).
govde, kafa, canta ve sapkadaki susler polimer kilden yapildi. sapka susleri ve canta boyanmadan birakildi, hanimefendi ise akrilikle boyanip mat vernikle kaplandi. goZleri icin yesil cam boncuk kullanildi. kiyafetleri cesitli kumas ve dantellerle, saci da gercek yun ile yapildi.
just like the previous one, this little lady should also be considered as a sculpture more than a puppet. as a matter of fact, she's even more stable compared to the pumpkinhead. the only (re)movable thing is the little bucket of hers.
her body, head, bucket and the ornaments on her hat are made of polymer clays, painted with acrylics and sealed with matte acrylic varnish, except for the bucket and the ornaments; they're not painted at all. various fabrics and lace are used for her costume. her eyes are made of dark green glass beads and her hair is made of tibetan mohair.
yine hitabet gerekceli nedenlerden pasaj'a koymadim kendilerini. ve fakat etsy sayfasina buradan ulasabilirsiniZ.
duZeltme: satildi.
and she's available here on etsy.
edit: sold.
eh, onu suclayabilir misiniZ?
so, here i present you the second member of the gang i was talking about, the little witch. just like the pupmkinfriend, she also wants to be a part of the halloween fun, even though she's a wicked witch to be.
well, can you really blame her?
yine bir onceki gibi bu hanim da biblo kategorisinde. hatta bir oncekinden daha da stabil, anca elindeki cantasi cikarilabilir, cok istenirse (saka saka, cok istemeden de cikar o).
govde, kafa, canta ve sapkadaki susler polimer kilden yapildi. sapka susleri ve canta boyanmadan birakildi, hanimefendi ise akrilikle boyanip mat vernikle kaplandi. goZleri icin yesil cam boncuk kullanildi. kiyafetleri cesitli kumas ve dantellerle, saci da gercek yun ile yapildi.
just like the previous one, this little lady should also be considered as a sculpture more than a puppet. as a matter of fact, she's even more stable compared to the pumpkinhead. the only (re)movable thing is the little bucket of hers.
her body, head, bucket and the ornaments on her hat are made of polymer clays, painted with acrylics and sealed with matte acrylic varnish, except for the bucket and the ornaments; they're not painted at all. various fabrics and lace are used for her costume. her eyes are made of dark green glass beads and her hair is made of tibetan mohair.
yine hitabet gerekceli nedenlerden pasaj'a koymadim kendilerini. ve fakat etsy sayfasina buradan ulasabilirsiniZ.
duZeltme: satildi.
and she's available here on etsy.
edit: sold.
cadilar bayrami oZel I - halloween special I
efenim, ado (art dolls only) isimli toplulugun bir uyesi olarak halloween temali etkinlige katilmis bulunmaktayim. fakat tek bir kuklayla katilmak yerine minik bir seri olusturmaya karar verdim. serinin adi "trick or treat ...please?". oZetle, halloween kasabasinin, diger "normal" cocuklar gibi cadilar bayrami eglencesine katilmak isteyen minik sakinlerini konu aliyorum.
iste bu da cetenin ilk uyesi, minik balkabagikafa.
as being a proud member of ADO team, i'm attending to the halloween challenge. but instead of participating with just one puppet, i decided to make a little collection named "trick or treat ...please?". it's basically about the little residents of the halloween town, who want to have fun on halloween just like the other "normal" kids.
so, here is the first member of the gang; little pumpkinhead.her Zamanki kuklalardan farkli olarak, bu minik hanimi biblo kategorisinde degerlendirmek daha dogru olacak sanirim. Zira tamami polimer kilden yapildi ve tek hareketli kisim cicek teliyle yapilmis olan kollari. goZler icin cam boncuk kullandim, saclar gercek yun. sapkadaki orumcek de bir minik datel parcasi.
i guess this little lady should be considered as a sculpture this time, unlike my usual puppets. the only move-able parts in her body are the little arms which are made of paper covered wire. the whole thing is made of polymer clay. glass beads were used for the eyes, mohair for the hair and a piece of lace for the spider on her hat.
hitap ettigi pek kimse olmaZ diyerek pasaj'a koymadim bu sefer. ama kendileri etsy'deki yerlerine coktan aldi. buradan Ziyaret edebilirsiniZ.
duZeltme: satildi.
and she's available here on etsy.
edit: she's sold.
iste bu da cetenin ilk uyesi, minik balkabagikafa.
as being a proud member of ADO team, i'm attending to the halloween challenge. but instead of participating with just one puppet, i decided to make a little collection named "trick or treat ...please?". it's basically about the little residents of the halloween town, who want to have fun on halloween just like the other "normal" kids.
so, here is the first member of the gang; little pumpkinhead.her Zamanki kuklalardan farkli olarak, bu minik hanimi biblo kategorisinde degerlendirmek daha dogru olacak sanirim. Zira tamami polimer kilden yapildi ve tek hareketli kisim cicek teliyle yapilmis olan kollari. goZler icin cam boncuk kullandim, saclar gercek yun. sapkadaki orumcek de bir minik datel parcasi.
i guess this little lady should be considered as a sculpture this time, unlike my usual puppets. the only move-able parts in her body are the little arms which are made of paper covered wire. the whole thing is made of polymer clay. glass beads were used for the eyes, mohair for the hair and a piece of lace for the spider on her hat.
hitap ettigi pek kimse olmaZ diyerek pasaj'a koymadim bu sefer. ama kendileri etsy'deki yerlerine coktan aldi. buradan Ziyaret edebilirsiniZ.
duZeltme: satildi.
and she's available here on etsy.
edit: she's sold.
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