kayip esya burosu / lost and found

film isleri / film business

efenim malum, gunlerdir cekime yetismekti, mobilya tamamlamakti, kostum hazirlamaktir filan derken buralari epey bosladim. velhasil, setin ilk fotograflariyla karsinizdayim.

well, since i've been busy with the shooting, furniture, costuming and all, i just didn't have any time to take care of this place. however, here are the first making of photos from the set.

yukarida, yasini da goz onunde bulundurarak cekim planinda ilk gune koydugum ve surada bahsetmis oldugun hanimefendiyi ve oyunculuk yetenegini gorusyorsunuz. tabi mudahale bicimimden de anlasilacagi uzere oyunculuktu yetenekti filan hak getire kendisinde. dusununce bu kuklalarin hicbirinde zerre yetenek, ongoru vs yok ya, neyse.

remember this old lady that i was talking about here? so, considering her age and everything i put her scenes on the first days of shooting. and here in the photo above, you can see her and her acting talent, which is almost none by the way. actually, when i come to think about it, none of these puppets have even the slightest talent for that matter. but anyway..

burada da yasli hanimin ve yaslanmadan onceki (nam-i diger genc) halinin yasadigi evi goruyorsunuz. renk ayari bozukca oldugu icin bir onceki fotograftan cok daha sicak gorunuyor tabi. artik meshur olmus olan su tekli koltuk disinda her sey fena halde el yapimi bu arada.

and here is the place where the old lady and her version before getting old (aka young) lives. it looks way warmer than the previous photo, thanks to wrong-ish white balance settings. and by the way, everything visible here is painfully handmade (well except for the armchair, which is getting quite famous already)

veee ilk konusmali filmimin ilk konusmalarini yaptiran bendeniz. sanci dolu (yok be, keyifliydi aslinda) bir cekimin ardindan "bakalim nasil calisiyor" diye bakip, gercekten konusuyor olan kuklalari gordugumde yasadigim "hanim kos kos! cocuk konustu!" heyecani ise bambaskaymis cidden.

and me, working on the very first speakings of my very first speaking film. notwithstanding the long hours of shooting, the first moment of "omg! the baby is has spoken!" excitement after testing the footage with sound was just priceless.

[fotograflar via everland]

[photos via everland]

blog makyaji / blog make-up

evet efenim, farkedebileceginiZ uZere temami sonunda degistirip hic olmaZsa daha kullanisli olduguna inandigim bir hale getirdim. boylelikle iZleyiciler, kategoriler ve blog arsivi sayfanin en dibine konuslandi, mini etsy kutusu tamamen kendine ait yeni bir sayfa edindi, onceden "bilgi" olarak gecen kisimcik "siparis" adini alip yeni sayfaya tasindi vee bir adet de taZecik hakkimda sayfasi yine tepedeki menuden ulasilabilen sayfasinda yerlesti. ustelik bir de formspring.me kutucugu barindiriyor. bir de, sikca sorulmayan sorular bolumu ekledim. daha Ziyade, "sikca sorulmayan sorularin cogunlukla siyaseten yanlis cevaplari" aslinda.

well, as you can see, i finally changed my blog's theme to something hopefully more functional. from now on, followers, categories and blog archives will be at the bottom of the page, the mini etsy box now has a whole new page of its own as well as the orders (which was previously known as information). as for the biggest news, i now have an about page with a formspring.me questioning box inside. all these can be found on the tabs right above. and, i added a frequently unasked questions section. but it's more like "mostly politically incorrect answers to frequently unasked questions".

cilekli turta - kolye ucu / strawberry tart - pendant

taki fotograflamaya devam.

photographing session goes on.

efenim bu da bir adet cilekli turta. citir turta hamuru, icinde nefis limonlu krema, ustunde taZecik cilek dilimleri, ve sus olarak da sade krema ve bir butun cilek. mmm, leZiZ.

and this one is a strawberry tart. a tender pie crust filled with delicious lemon cream, topped with fresh strawberry slices and ornamented with whipping cream and a strawberry. mmm, yummy.
ve surada pasaj'da, burada da etsy'de.

it's available here on etsy.

meyveli cheesecake - kolye ucu / fruit cheesecake - pendant

evet, eldekileri fotograflamaya, bahaneyle de yeni objektifimi denemeye devam.

yep, continuing to photograph the things that's been lying around and to try my new lens at the same time.

tamami polier kil ile yapildi bu kolye ucunun. kivi, muZ, cilek ve kiraZ sekeri ihtiva etmekte.

this pendant, which was completely made of polymer clay, contains slices of kiwi, banana strawberry and a cherry.
su adreste etsy'de, bu adreste de pasaj'da satista.

available here on etsy.

sneak peek - yasli kadin / old wife

evet efenim, sneek peak serimiZe ana karakterlerden biriyle devam ediyoruZ.

and we're continuing our sneak peaks with one of the main characters. yine tel iskelet uZerine polimer kil ve epoksi macunu. ekstradan boyun icin kuruduktan sonra da elastik kalabilen bir hamur kullanildi. iki set goZkapagi var, acik ve kapali. iki de agiZ yapmistim ama sonunda sadece bu hafif aralik olani kullanmaya karar verdim, rolu icabi.

she's constructed with polymer clay and epoxy putty over a wire armature, as usual. but i used a different kind of clay which can stay somewhat flexible after setting for the neck. she has two sets of eyelids; open and closed. i also made two mouths but decided to use this one only, considering her role in the film.
en Zorlayan coraplar oldu bu arada. toplu igneden hallice iki igne kullanarak ordum kendilerini. boylece orgu ormeyi de ogrenmis oldum :)

the hardest part was knitting the socks. i used two pins (they were a bit bigger than the usual pins) to knit them, meanwhile, i learned how to knit :)
bu arada koltugun da kaplamasini degistirecegim sanirim, turuncu-kiremit rengi agirlikli bir sey yapmayi dusunuyorum.

by the way, looks like i'll be changing the armchair's coat, to someting more orangish i guess. we'll see.

sneak peek - kafka

di mi kac Zamandir "film film film" diye sayiklayip duruyorum ama herhangi bir icraat paylastigim yok. efenim, gerek fotograf makinamla yasadigim bir takim sorunlar, gerek de sacma sapan calisma tempom sayesinde gunisigini bir turlu yakalayamam nedeniyle mumkun olmamisti simdiye kadar.
velhasil, bugunden itibaren bu gidise bir son veriyorum. hem Zaten artik hemen herseyin bir an once bitmis olmasi da gerekiyor, bir hafta kaldi saka maka cekime baslamama.

i know, i've been talking about that film business of mine all time for a while, yet i've never showed anything to prove its reality. but since i was having some problems with my camera and missing the daylight due to working during ridiculous hours, it just wasn't happening. until now.
starting today, i'm stopping this. i need to start getting everything ready real soon anyway. still feels unreal, but the actual shooting will be starting in one week.

ve iste karsiniZda kafka bey. filmde epey bir yan karakter olarak yer alacak kendileri masasi ve de sandalyesiyle birlikte. masa gerci dolu olacak tabi, kagitlar vs, ve bir de kirmiZi elma ile.

and i present you mr. kafka. he'll have a really small role in the film as a side character, with his desk and chair. well, the desk will be full though; with loads of papers and a red apple.
masa biraZ bilinci biraZ da kaZa eseri yimik oldu. ama yakisti bence ;)
masayi balsa ve bir takim tahta boncuklar kullanarak, sandalyeyi de yine balsa ve kurdan yardimiyla yaptim. kafka bey de klasik kuklalarim gibi tel iskelet uZerine epoksi macunu ve polimer kil kullanilarak yapildi. tek fark, ayaklarinin icinde somun olup stop motion'a yonelik olmasi.

the tabe is crooked, a bit intentionally and a bit accidentally, but think it suits this way :)
i used balsa wood and various wooden beads to construct the table. and made the chair using balsa wood and toothpicks. kafka himself, is just like my usual puppets, constructed over a wire armature with epoxy putty and polymer clay. the only difference in the nuts inside his feet, enabling him for animation.
kendileri 17 cm civarinda oldu. klasik minyatur skalasinda yani. isin asli, film bittikten sonra belki satabilirim diye dusunuyorum. ama bakalim, belli de olmaZ.

he measures about 17 cm, just about the siZe of a 12th scale miniature. actually, i'm kind of planning to sell him after the shooting. but we'll see, i'm not sure yet.

kategoriZe isler ve bir baska roportaj / categoriZation and another interview

efenim, uyumamak ve fakat ayni Zamanda da guya dinlenmis olmak adina oturup tum yaZilari teek tek kategoriZe ettim, onlarlarla oynadim. yetmedi yaftayi yapistirip isim koydum. her sey navigasyon kolayligi namina tabii ki.
taZecik listemiZi sayfanin en dibinde bulabilirsiniZ.

just to be able to stay awake and kind of rest at the same time, i categoriZed every single post. you can find the list at the bottom of the page. all for better navigation, right?

heh, roportaj da burada, iki hafta onceki sabah gaZetesinin cumartesi ekinden.
lakin belirtmem gereken bir durum var, haberde soylendigi gibi 40'in uZerinde filmim yok malesef. olsa keske, ama yok iste. gemeinschaft ilk filmim hatta. neyse, boyle iste. ben soyleyeyim de sonra kalkip "sonra da ona buna laf ediyosun 'senede 5 film ceken adama guven olmaZ' cart curt diye, ne bicim boyle" denmesin.

and the interview is here, and unfortunately in turkish.