kayip esya burosu / lost and found


Dun sozunu verdigim uzere dukkani acmis bulunuyorum. An itibariye yarisi ilk defa gorucuye cikan 12 urun var sadece ama hizla diger urunleri eklemeye devam ediyorum.

As promised yesterday, I just opened the store. I just have 12 items listed right now and half of them are brand new listings. Yet, I'm gradually adding more stuff.

Pazar gecesine kadar listelenmis butun urunler indirimde (stoklar elverdigi surece) Ardindan da bir baska hosgeldiginiz indirimi baslayacak.

All the items are on sale till Sunday night (limited with the stocks) After that, another welcome discount will be starting.

Gelelim cekilise. Bu sefer minik bir sart koymaya karar verdim ki o da www.tuhafije.com adresini ve/veya bu postu bir sosyal medya platformunda (blog, twitter, friendfeed, facebook, eksisozluk ve hatta reddit gibi) paylasip ister buraya yorum olarak, ister twitter veya facebook'ta mention yaparak, isterseniz de ozlem@ozlemakin.com adresine mail atarak bana bildirmeniz. Her bir paylasim bir katilim hakki sagliyor bu arada (facebook ve friendfeed'e twitter'dan dusen otomatik bildirimler sayilmiyor) yani ne kadar cok platformda paylasim, o kadar kazanma sansi :)  Bir haftanin sonunda, yani 27 Nisan cuma gecesi cekilis sona erecek ve en gec cumartesi kazananlari duyuracagim. Akabinde yapmaniz gereken tek sey ise bana adresinizi yollamaniz olacak.
Tamam, bu en sikici kural faslini gectigimize gore gelelim icerige. Ustteki fotografta gordugunuz gibi, bir adet kahve fincani yuzuk, birer cift fotograf makinali ve kasetli kupe ve bir adet buyuk gitar yaka ignesi. Yorum veya mailinizde hangisini tercih ettiginizi belirtirseniz daha bile sahane olur.

Now, about the give-away, I decided to request one small thing this time. All you need to do is to share www.tuhafije.com and/or this very blog post on one of the social media platforms (blogs, twitter, friendfeed, facebook or even reddit) and either comment here, mention on facebook or twitter or send me and email to the address ozlem@ozlemakin.com with your link. Also, every different platform gives you another chance (though, I won't be accepting the feeds automatically posted by twitter to your facebook or friendfeed page) so more sharing means more chance to win :) The deadline is at the end of one week, on Friday April 27th and I'll be announcing the winners on Saturday, latest. After that, all you need to do will be sending me your shipping address.
Okay, now that the boring "rules" part is over, let's talk about what I will be giving away. As you can see in the photo above, included are one coffee cup ring, one pair of camera and one pair of cassette tape stud earrings and one big black guitar pin/tie tack. It'd be extra cool if you could include your choice of item with either your comment or email.


Tuhafije yazilir, tuhafiye okunur.
Tuhafiye: Nadir ve emsalsiz hediyeler, tuhaf seyler dukkani.
Kucuk tuhaf seyler dukkanina hosgeldiniz!

Written as tuhafije, read as tuha:fiye.
Tuhafiye: Tuhaf means rare and unique gifts in Arabic, and tuhafiye means the shop that sells rare and unique gifts. (Tuhaf also means weird, strange and unusual in Turkish)
Welcome to the little shop of wonders!
Evet! Nihayet ucuncu partilere bagli olmayan online dukkanimi aciyorum. Aslinda guya bir aydir aciyorum ama iste urunlerin yeniden fotograflanmasiydi, sistemin arayuzune alismakti filan derken uzadikca uzadi. Bunu da buraya yaziyorum ki artik erteleyemeyeyim. Az urunle de olsa acilis yarin. 

Tabii kutlama yapmayi da unutmadim. Fotograf makinasi, kaset, kahve molasi ve jam session serilerinden birer urunu cekilisle 4 kisiye dagitacagim. Simdilik yapmaniz gereken bir sey yok, cekilis detaylarini da yarinki acilis postuyla birlikte yazacagim.

Yes! I'm finally opening my own online shop free from the third parties. Actually, I've been meaning to open it for more than a month now but re-photographing the items, getting used to the the the platform and such are keeping things slow. I'm announcing this here, so that I won't be able to procrastinate anymore. Grand opening will be tomorrow, no matter how many listings I have. 

Of course, I'm not forgetting the celebration. I'll be giving away one item from each line: cameras, cassette tapes, coffee break and jam session. You don't have to do anything for now, I'll be explaining the give away in my opening post tomorrow.