kayip esya burosu / lost and found


eveet, nasolsa artik ufukta cok oyle festival filan kalmadi, senesini de doldurdu dolduracak diyerek yayinliyorum gemeinschaft'i.. bir de minik festival listesi ekliyorum alta, meraklilara duyurulur :))

well, after realiZing that it's been nearly a year and i don;t have that many upcoming festival submissions, i present you gemeinschaft.. i'm also adding a little list of festivals it has been in..

Gemeinschaft from ozlem akin on Vimeo.

45. Antalya Altin Portakal Film Festivali / 45th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festilval
9. Izmir Uluslararasi Kisa Film Festivali / 9th Izmir International Short Film Festival
20. Istanbul Uluslararasi Kisa Film Festivali / 20th Istanbul International Short Film Festival
Fest-i Kult 4
2. Beylikduzu Uluslararsi Kisa Film Festivali / 2nd Beylikduzu International Short Film Festival
20. Ankara Uluslararsi Film Festivali / 20th Ankara International Film Festival
Rotary Kisa Film Festivali / Rotary Short Film Festival
Turkiye/Almanya Film Festivali / Filmfestival Turkei/Deutschland
28. Istanbul Uluslararasi Film Festivali / 28th Istanbul International Film Festival
2. ITU Kisa Film Fetivali / 2nd ITU Short Film Festival
6. YildiZ Kisa FIlm Festivali / 6th Yildiz Short Film Festival
Timishort Film Festivali / Timishort Film Festival
III. Diyarbakir Uluslararasi Film Gunleri / III. Diyarbakir International Film Days
Annecy09 Uluslararasi Animasyon Filmleri Festivali / Annecy09 International Animated Film Festival
16. Adana Altin Koza Film Festivali / 16th Adana Golden Boll Film Festival
Paris Cinema Uluslararsi Film Festivali / Paris Cinema International Film Festival
Londra Uluslararasi Animasyon Festivali 2009 / London International Animation Festival 2009

Ottawa 09 Uluslararasi Animasyon Festivali / Ottawa 09 International Animation Festival
Anim'est 2009 Uluslararasi Animasyon Festivali / Anim'est 2009 International Animated Film Festival
Con-Can Film Festivali 2009 / The Con-Can Movie Festival 2009
52. Leipzig Uluslararasi Belgesel ve Animasyon Film Festivali / 52nd International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film
5. Shoot Me Film Festivali / 5th Shoot Me Film Festival
FIKE 2009 - 8th Évora International Short Film Festival
3. Kristal Klaket Kisa Film Yarismasi / 3rd Crystal Clapperboard Short Film Competition
Festival Premiers Plans D'Angers

Cortoons Festival

45. Antalya Altin Portakal Film Festivali - En iyi kisa film / 45th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festilval - Best Short Film
9. Izmir Uluslararasi Kisa Film Festivali - En iyi uluslararasi canlandirma / 9th Izmir International Short Film Festival -Best International Animation
20. Istanbul Uluslararasi Kisa Film Festivali -En iyi canlandirma / 20th Istanbul International Short Film Festival
- Best Animation
20. Ankara Uluslararsi Film Festivali - En iyi canlandirma / 20th Ankara International Film Festival - Best Animation
Rotary Kisa Film Festivali - En iyi canlandirma / Rotary Short Film Festival - Best Animation
Turkiye/Almanya Film Festivali - Kisa film mansiyon odulu / Filmfestival Turkei/Deutschland - Honorary Mention for best short film
2. ITU Kisa Film Fetivali / 2nd ITU Short Film Festival - En iyi yonetmen / 2nd ITU Short Film Festival - Best Director
6. YildiZ Kisa FIlm Festivali - Animasyon 3.su - 6th Yildiz Short Film Festival - Best Animation, 3rd place
16. Adana Altin Koza Film Festivali - En iyi Ogrenci Animasyonu / 16th Adana Golden Boll Film Festival - Best Student Animation
Con-Can Film Festivali 2009 - Seyirci Odulu / The Con-Can Movie Festival 2009 - Audience Award
3. Kristal Klaket Kisa Film Yarismasi - En Iyi Animasyon / 3rd Crystal Clapperboard Short Film Competition - Best Animation

Minyatur Sepetler / Miniature Baskets

efenim daha once surada soZunu vermis oldugum uZere, sepetlerden bahsedecegim bu sefer.. bir onceki postta gormus oldugunuZ sepetleri tig ile yapmistim. acikcasi anlatmak da istemistim nasil yaptigimi lakin dunyanin en uyduruk tig isi anlatimi olacak diye vaZgectim.. Zira turkce tig terimi olarak tek bildigim Zincir..

after promising that I'd talk about miniature basket making in an old post, here i am.. talking about miniature baskets.. well, the ones in the previous post were crocheted and even though i wanted so badly to explain how to make them, i decided not to. because it'd be the crappiest tutorial ever, since i really don't have a clue about crochet terminalogy.velhasil, sepetlerimiZe geri donelim. minyatur sepet yapimini ilk olarak suradan ogrenmistim. sonrasinda da farkli ipler, farkli tekniklerle deneye yanila iste bunlar cikti ortaya..

anyway, back to woven baskets.. i learned how to weave a miniature basket here. and then experimenting with different threads and different techniques, i got these..
su alttaki mesela boyle kalin ve sert, kagit rafya gibi bir malZeme.. kapagi da ayni ipin tigla orulmus hali.

for example the one you can see below is made of some thick, paper raffia kinda thread. the lid is crocheted.
su alttaki ise tamamen nakis ipinden..

and the one below is compeletely made of embodiery thread.
yuksek ihtimal beyaZ modurit (yahut beyaZ fimo ama cok anlamli olmaZ o Zaman) ile renkli meyve-sebZe yapimindan bahsedecegim bir baska yaZida gorusmek uZere efenim, esen kalin..

ha tabi, bunlarini bulabileceginiZ dukkana yonlendirmeden olmaZ, buyrun..

I wish you all a nice day until the next post which, highly possibly, will be about making miniature fruits and vegetables with white modurit (or fimo, or even sculpey for that matter)..

oh and of course, the shop addess where you can find these..

Minyaturler / Miniatures

haZir elim degmisken hiZ kesmeden devam edeyim dedim postlara..

i just wanted to post these while i was on it..
evet efenim, bu ara bi de baska isim gucum yokmus gibi minyatur ivir-Zivir isine sardim..
misal yukarda hashasli corekler ve ekmek sepeti duruyor, asagida da ic ice gecebilen uclu sepet..

well, as if i had nothing else to do, i have got myself into these miniature stuff making thing..
for instance, you can see little bread rolls with poopy seeds and their basket above, and a set of three stockable baskets below..
tabagini haZir almis oldugum hashasli corekler..

bread rolls with puppy seeds in a commercially purchased plate..
haZir mantarli sepet..

a basket with commercially prchased mushrooms..
vee pasta corek borek takimi..

and, pastries of all sorts!
dukkan adresi olarak sadece etsy'yi verecegim bu sefer, fler'e de koydum ama set yapamadim minyatur olarak.. ya da yaptim galiba da iste hepsini dahil etmeyi beceremedim.. neyse, buyrun..

and here they are..

Minik Pinky / Little Pinky

bir suredir bekleyen yarim kuklalar, yapilmasi gereken ciZimler, kurgular falan filanin arasinda, son aldigim saclarin rengine dayanamayip yaptigim minik hanimefendiyle karsiniZdayim..

here is the little lady i made between unfinished puppets, obligatory drawings and editings.. I just couldn't resits to the color of the new hair i purchased..
bu kukla sergisi dolayisiyla yeni teknikler, hatta daha Ziyade deneysel tektiknlerle hasir nesir olmaya baslamistim. burada da deneyselligin hafif de olsa bir duZene oturmus halini gormekteyiZ sanirim.
misal bu hanimda, goZkapaklarini yapmadan once goZleri yaptim (normalde goZlerle goZ kapaklarini ayni anda, hatta ayni hamur kutlesinden yapiyordum) ve hatta goZleri boyayip vernikleyip goZkapaklarina oyle devam ettim. imkan olsa da cam goZlerle denesem ayni seyi tabi ama, bakalim.. Zamanla..
sonracigima, boyama asamasina geldigimiZde yine her Zamanki gibi boyadim, goZleri ve dudaklari da yine ten rengine kirmiZi katilmis akrilikle yaptim lakin boyle bi yasli, acayip bir hale geldi hanimefendi.. bi de saclari sadece sariydi ilk etapta. baktim saclar seyrek, surat da bi acayip oldu, yeniden boyadim surati, biraz da pembe sac ekledim. oluyor gibiydi. son hamle olarak dudak kalemiyle (bildiginiZ, hani makyaj filan yapilan) renklendirdim dudaklari, goZkapaklarini ve yanaklari. hatta cilleri de dudak kalemiyle yaptim yine. digerlerini bilmem ama, oZellikle dudaklarin goruntusunden oldukca memnun kaldigimi soylemeliyim..

i have been dealing with different techniques-experimental ones actually, because of that puppet exhibiton of mine. with this puppet, i think i'm kinda acquiring more stabiliZed versions of those experiments.
for example, i first made the eyes and then the eyelids (normally, i scuplt eyes and eyelids at the same time, from the same piece of clay even). as a matter of fact, i sculpted the eyes, baked them, painted and sealed them, and then made the eyelids on top of them. my real wish is to be able to apply the same technique to glass eyes, but.. we'll see..
aand.. after sculpting and baking process, it was time for coloring. i painted her with acrylics as usual, and used reddish acrylics for the lips, eyelids and cheeks. but she turned out to be a quite old lady instead of a little girl. also the hair was just blond back then. i reckoned she had fairly less hair than she's supposed to have. so i added these pink shades, and repainted the face. then i colored the lips, eyelids and cheeks using a lip liner. and it worked quite well for me.. especially on the lips.. i even made the freckles with that lip liner..
iskelet her Zamani gibi telden, orda bir deneysellik yok -neyse ki! lakin deneysellik surda ki, geenlerde uZun suredir merak ettigim epoksi macunundan bulup almistim, onunla denemeler yapiyordum. (cok da bi deneysel olamadim gerci, acayip pahaliydi Zira kendileri) iste eklemleri acikta birakacak sekilde tum vucutta ince tabaklar halinde kaslar yaptim, gogus ve kalcanin temelini de epoksiyle yaptim. daha sonra da moduritle sekillendirdim. boylece cok daha kontrollu bir hareket skalasina sahip oldu kuklacik. el bliekleri ve boynu disindaki tum eklemleri rahatca hareket edebiliyor son halinde.. ha bi de bu epoksiden biraZ daha bahsetmek gerekirse, (ki resmen asik oldum, cok keyifli bir malZeme) havayla kuruyor ve yaklasik 5-10 dakikada sertlesiyor. 24 saatin sonunda da celik kivanina geliyor. yani minik parcalar halinde ve oldukca hiZli calismak gerekiyor kendisiyle ama kontrolu cok kolay ve kivami da sahane. misal bu hanimefendinin ellerini tamamen epoksi ile yaptim ve sonuctan oldukca memnunum..

armature is made of wire, as usual, no experiments there. but after finally finding some apoxie putty, i couldn't help but experimenting with it. i loved the material, i basically fell in love with it. it's unusually easy to work with and has an incredible consistency.. and unlike my other puppets, she has "muscles". i mean, her body is covered with apoxie and modurit, leaving the joints free. and this gave her a more controlled range of movements. by the way, her hands were also sculpted with apoxie and i'm quite happy with the result.
kostume gelince.. corap icin oldukca elastik, mayo kumasi gibi bir kumas kullandim. elbise icin yine elastik (ama mayo kumasi kadar degil) bir kumas kullandim, suslemeleri de sutasi denen seyle taptim (ki halen neden sutasi deniyorum hic bilmiyorum). ayicigi da kece kumastan yapip yine hafif kecelesmis yunle doldurdum, goZlerini de kum boncularla yaptim..

and to talk about costuming.. i used a very flexible striped fabric for the stockings. and used again a flexible fabric for the dress and embellished with soutache.. and the teddy bear is made of felt, stuffed with felted wool. i used little beads for the eyes..
henuZ halen hicbir sey satamamis oldugum icin, pasaj'a koymadim bu sefer kendilerini.. lakin merak edenler etsy ve fler dolaylarinda bulabilirler.. ya da hep dedigim gibi, indirimli fiyat icin toohero@gmail.com'a bir mail yeter..
duZeltme: i-ih, artik degil, gittii.. amerika yolcusu.. :)

she's now waiting for her new home in etsy and fler.. or like i always say, for discounted prices an e-mait to toohero@gmail.com is enough..
edit: well, not aymore. she's packing her things and getting ready for U.S.

indirim! / sale!

haZir tum kuklalari kukla festivali bunyesinde sergiye vermisken (bu konudan da ayrica bahsedecegim lakin halen krystina hanim'dan sergi fotograflari beklemekteyim) ve bu fotograftaki hanimlari da faZla minik olduklari icin evde birakmisken, dedim bir bahar indirimi bisey yapayim, taZe kan filan falan..

after giving all my puppets to an exhibition (well, this is another story to be told another time-after getting the exhibiton photos from krystina) and leaving these little ladies home for being too small for such a thing, i decided to make a "spring sale" with them.
velhasil, soldan sayarak dukkandaki yerleri;
minimal hanim, minik muZip, guZel sonbahar, minimal hanim 2
(not: minimal hanim no.1 sadece etsy'de bulunmakta, istek uZerine pasaj'a da koyabilirim. ote yandan, "ne gerek var canim oyle dukkanmis bilmemneymis diyenler daha bir sevindirir beni, mail adresimi paylasmaktan hic cekinmem; toohero@gmail.com)
notu da kapsayan duZeltme: minimal hanim no:1, an itibariyle satilmis durumda. diger minik hanimlar ise indirimli konumlarini korumaktalar.

from left to right;
minimal lady
, quiZZical little girl, beautiful fall, minimal lady 2
(note; if you don't want to deal with websites and stuff, it'd be even better for me. please contact me for anything; toohero@gmail.com)
edit: minimal lady no:1 is sold now, but other little ladies are still waiting for their new homes..

simdilik haberler boyle..

anyway, these are the news for now..

filmler, kuklalar ve digerleri / films, puppets and others

simdi ben bu son posttan hemen sonra bi de bros serisi yapmistim kadinli ama sonra bir manyaklik basladi, onlardan bahsetmeye bile firsatim olmadi. bu saatten sonra da artik cok gec oldu heralde, cok merak edenler icin dukkanlarin kapilari hep acik ama, malum hicbiri satilmadi halen ;)

neyse, gelelim bahsi gecen manyakliga.. gecen hafta cekimlerini bitirdigim yeni filmimin setiydi, kuklalariydi filan derken kafami kasimaya vakit bulamadim, nisan boyle hoop diye yok oldu, mart'tan mayis'a gectim resmen.

kukla meraklilarinin yanisira minyaturculerin de ilgisini ceker diye filmden birkac fotografi koymayi uygun gordum..
Zira kuklalar ve mobilyalarin tamamini iste o nasil gectigini anlayamadigim bir-birbucuk aylik sure icinde, cokluk mukavva kullanarak (kuklalarda mukavva yok tabi) yaptim. lakin gece gunduZ birbirine karismis oldugu icin o aralar, malesef yapim asamasi fotograflari yok, merak eden olursa seve seve anlatirim tabii..
bir de flickr albumu haZirladim set fotograflarindan olusan, merak edenleri soyle alabiliriZ..
velhasil, simdilik fotograflarla bas basa birakayim herkesi, ben de iki gun sonra gerceklesecek olan sergiye kukla yetistirmeye gideyim..