kayip esya burosu / lost and found

Jam Session - Kemanli Kol Dugmesi / Jam Session - Violin Cuff Links

Esasinda bu Jam Session'a "renkli emaye kaplama, muzikli urunler" olarak baslamistim ama baktim bendeki bu enstruman sevgisi onune gecilecek gibi degil, bundan sonraki tum muzik temali urunleri Jam Session basligi altinda birlestiriyorum.

Starting Jam Session, what I had in mind was to have only "colorful, enameled and music themed items" in the collection. But since I can't stop making stuff with instruments and other whatnots related to music, I decided to keep everything with the music theme within this Jam Session line.

Kamerali Sac Tokasi / Movie Camera Hair Pins

Bunlardan bahsetmeyi de unutmusum kac zamandir. Efenim, hic uzatmayacagim bu sefer. Gordugunuz gibi, kamerali seriden bu arkadaslar da. Toka kendileri, evet.

Well, apparently I've forgotten to mention these. I'll cut it short this time. As you can see, these bobby pins belong to the movie camera line.

Surada etsy, burada da fler uzerinden satistalar. Ayrica info@madebyozlemakin.com adresine atacaginiz bir mail ile de posta dahil 28 liraya edinebilirsiniz kendilerini.

Available here on etsy and here on fler.

Meyve Salatasi - Klipsli Kupe 2 / Fruit Salad - Clip-on Earrings 2

Eveet, domain ayarlarini bi guzel bozup, sonra gunlerce duzeltmeye ugrasip beceremeyince de birakmistim. Gecen gun cok sacma bi sekilde cozdum sorunu ve yeniden karsinizdayim!

Well, after messing up with my domain settings, trying to fix it for days and eventually giving up.. The other day, I finally fixed it -in a really ridiculous way- and here I am again!

Gelelim konumuza.. Efenim, hatirlayanlar olacaktir meyve salatalarimi. Bunlar da cok talep goren klipsli kupelerin revize edilmis versiyonu.

OK, back to business. Some of you might remember my fruit salads. These here, are the revised version of the beloved clip-on earrings.