kayip esya burosu / lost and found

Kahve Molasi (lite) - Fincanli Yuzuk / Coffee Break (lite) - Coffee Cup Ring

Kahveli, molali, rahat yuzuk ("esnek yuzuuk" diye de devam ettiresim yok degil hani. "mujdeee mujde size..") Tabii ki kahve molasindan.

And finally the ring we've all been waiting for! Of course, from the coffee break.

Burada da fincan ve bardak seramikten, kahve de polimer kil ve gercek turk kahvesi karisimindan olusmakta. Fincan + tabagin toplam yuksekligi ise 1 cm olup, tabagin capi 1,5 cmdir. Evet.

What we have here is consisting of a cup and saucer made of ceramic, filled with fresh coffee made of polymer clay and a little bit of real coffee grains. The saucer has a diameter of 16 mm and the total height with the cup is 11 mm.

Surada etsy, burada dawanda ve burada fler uzerinden satista. Ayrica info@madebyozlemakin.com adresine atacaginiz bir mail ile 28 liraya edinebilirsiniz kendilerini.

Available here on etsy, here on dawanda and here on fler.

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