kayip esya burosu / lost and found

TTT (Tips and Tricks Tuesdays) #1: Painting on polymer clay / Polimer kili boyamak

Efenim malumunuz son zamanlarda butun aksiyon kukla blogumda oldugu icin burasi boynu bukuk kaldi. Ben de "tips and tricks tuesdays" adini verip nasil turkcelestirecegimi bilemedigim bir yazi dizisi hazirlamaya karar verdim. Yani, her sali ufak ipuclari ve teknikler paylasacagim. Kendi kaynagim yetmediginde baska blog ve tutoriallari da paylasabilirim, bakalim.

Since my puppet blog is getting all the action lately, I decided to have these "tips&tricks tuesdays" here. Every week, I'll be sharing my own tips and tricks about sculpting, painting, costuming, etc. I'm thinking of sharing other tutorials and stuff from other blogs if I run out of my own, we shall see.