Efenim malumunuz son zamanlarda butun aksiyon kukla blogumda oldugu icin burasi boynu bukuk kaldi. Ben de "tips and tricks tuesdays" adini verip nasil turkcelestirecegimi bilemedigim bir yazi dizisi hazirlamaya karar verdim. Yani, her sali ufak ipuclari ve teknikler paylasacagim. Kendi kaynagim yetmediginde baska blog ve tutoriallari da paylasabilirim, bakalim.
Since my puppet blog is getting all the action lately, I decided to have these "tips&tricks tuesdays" here. Every week, I'll be sharing my own tips and tricks about sculpting, painting, costuming, etc. I'm thinking of sharing other tutorials and stuff from other blogs if I run out of my own, we shall see.
Seriye, polimer kil boyamakla ilgili ufak bir tuyoyla baslamak istiyorum. Figurunuz pisip soguduktan sonra uzerine yumusak bir fircayla aseton surun ve kuruduktan sonra boyayin. Aseton, hamur pistikten sonra yuzeyinde olusan yag tabakasini temizleyip boyanin cok daha rahat tutunmasini saglayacaktir. Ozellikle fimo veya mass markali polimer killeri kullaniyorsaniz, ozellikle isinize yarayacak. (Super Sculpey Living Doll icin gerek duymuyorum acikcasi bu isleme, ama living doll olmayan Super Sculpey icin yine de oneririm.)
I would like to share a small tip for painting on polymer clay for starters. Once your clay is baked and cooled, apply acetone (simple nail polish remover) with a soft brush over your sculpture and start painting after it's completely dry. The acetone removes the oil on the surface of your baked item and you'll see how better it holds the paint afterwards. This is essentially useful for the brands fimo, Sculpey and mass. I don't think it's necessary to use this technique with Super Sculpey Living Doll though.
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